Page 47

PRESIDENT : Nobody believes in that stuff anymore
GATES: They want to

Page 47 is Probally a treasure hunt on how to become President of the USA... its not a streach to believe concidering how Bush won


NO, but it was an obvious set-up for a possible 3rd film in the series.




i thkink thats a secret best kept a secret


Or worse, how the current idiot got in there..

Chicago called, they want their village idiot returned.


But why couldn't the President check the page himself?


Presumably, the president was well aware of what was on page 47. The secret on that page was just too good to keep to himself and wanted to share it with Ben.


Of course the president could, and did check it. That was his point, he knew it was something important but needs someone to figure out the clues. That's where Gates comes in.

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


page 47 is naked pictures of bea arthur.

Ive eaten so much liver, i can only make love if im smothered in bacon and onions


Area 51? Moon landings? Something to do with space I reckon. Page 47, Roswell 1947? Coincidence I think not.



4+7 = 11
its about illuminati for sure


it is the set up for part 3 which will most likely not be out until 2013..... i can't wait that long!


Good thing that world will end 2012. Civilisation can't stand another national treasure movie.



i think page 47 is about santa claus


Area 51? Moon landings? Something to do with space I reckon. Page 47, Roswell 1947? Coincidence I think not.

Way too obvious. You're just repeating the possible subjects that Riley mentioned when they opened his book. It would be a tremendous let-down if it turns out to be one of those.


It can't be that wrinkly!


It's clearly implied that the President doesn't know what's on the page, which is why he makes a point of asking about it at the end. (And Gates tells him it's life-changing.)


I think it is probably a riddle that the president wasn't sure how to decipher and since Mr. Gates was good at that sort of thing, he was asked to decipher it.


I'll bet it has something to do with HIS (president's) family, something he either needs proven or needs destroyed...


Hell no! It will be out before 2013. Hence the 2011 scheduled release. They will just have to get their act together fast i'm dying for a sequel! It will be something or rather about a top secret government mystery that the president can't in steps Ben and the trusty gang


In true National Treasure form, The President knows full well what is on page 47, but can not "officially" allocate resources toward its investigation since it is a treasure that "doesn't exist" mentioned in a book that "doesn't exist". As such, it makes sense for him to pitch it to the "treasure hunter" with no one else being in the loop.

And for all intents and purposes, that one book is a literal GOLDMINE for story possibilities of potential sequels.


It will probably be loosely based on the Lewinsky Affair and involve the 2012 Mayan Prophecy.


How about now?

"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"


Same with this Prez.


A friend of mine saw Nick Cage in Glastonbury, Wiltshire, UK fairly reciently. Not sure why he was there but Glastonbury has long been connected to Holy Grail myths and many believe Glastonbury Tor has secret tunnels underneath. There are also connections with the crusades and the Knights Templar. This is purely speculation but a Holy Grail NT film would fit with the previous films nicely.


"Page 47" is a McGuffin. That's it.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..." Oscar Wilde



National Treasure 3 manuscript is my guess

Better to die laughing, than to perish in boredom.
