Third movie?

Will there be a third National Treasure? I'm not seeing any info on it...

Responsive to Dunnis, Nonnie, Nundiss, Daia, and Dundee


The third movie is currently scheduled to release in 2011.


I hope this is true,they are fun movies and i do like Nic Cage.


I really hope they make another movie. I want to know what is on page 47 and if Riley gets the girl he meets at the end. I think they left enough clues at the end of the second movie to ensure that there will be a third.


Good point. I definitely hope there'll be another one. The first two were nothing less than awesome entertainment - thrills, romance, story, good music, great visuals. Everything I want out of a movie.


going to be 4 movies. Page 47 will be in the 4th movie according to either the director or writer i forget which.



Ultra-*SNORE*. Number 1 was hardly bearable, number 2 an abyssmal wreck. More of the same now??


those kind of comments ANNOY me!!! if you didnt like the 1st ... WHY did you see the 2nd????


I agree with you. That previous poster knew what kind of movie this was going to be when he or she saw the first one. It doesn't make sense for someone to complain about the 2nd movie if they didn't like the first one.


Well, it does... make sense, there are a number of sequels superior to the #1 movie in a series; many consider "The Empire Strikes Back" a better movie compared to "Star Wars". And 2nd I watch a lot of movies, sometime while doing other things, so I see also a lot of really bad movies out of cinematic interest.
I hope you see that there are more options in life than might occur to you on first thought.


But why are you still wasting time on something you hate six years after the fact? You didn't like the movie. Fair enough. I don't get why you bothered to come here and talk about that in the first place, but to each his own; but now why, six years after the movie was released, are you still wasting your time disparaging a movie you dislike? Why not talk about movies you do like?


FIRST: Don't be sad or angry if I use my time as I see fit. You do as you like. SECOND: this is a forum to express (among other things) your opinion on anything concerning movies. If it's a little late for you, so be it. THIRD: If you want to tell me what to say, you might as well aspire to become a dictator; which you sure don't want as you probably value free speech. FOURTH: Look around a little, one can criticize movies on positive or negative merits; feel free only to talk about movies you like; I've really NO problem with that. Besides I'm not a very avid writer here and have also mentioned quite a few movies I like as well as rated a few thousand from 1 to 10 stars (the 10s I really love).
So thanks for your input, but I'm afraid its not very helpful to me or most other readers, I presume.
P.S. I ask myself why I take time to respond, maybe I hope I can provide some food for thought. If not, feel free to ignore.


OK internet people stop your usual bitching. Anyone have any info on a third film?


I would like a third movie. But since we're already half-way through 2015, and it is still not in production, I doubt we will ever get one.
