The writing is so horrible

Every detail like "I'll see you there at 8" and the cell phone conversations and the chat with the chick in the lamp shop where they are going on with "Oh my GOD! What did BRAD tell you!"

AHHHHHHH It was painful to listen to these actors it really was. The dialogue was awful. Also when the chick tells Brad the number to her ex-husband's work place and she goes through it number by number and bites her lip as she is nervous when the pencil-necked dude is calling. Freaking hilarious and a great time-consumer.

"Ok, great! It's your turn to buy the lattes!"

Lines like that just keep me laughing at the pathetic writing. Great Movie. Lifetime rules at putting out brutal scripts

I want to nail the main character chick though. She was also hot in "The Perfect Marraige"


I want to nail the main character chick though. She was also hot in "The Perfect Marraige"

I watched the movie for Jamie Luner. When I saw her in the brunette wig in the beginning, I just "knew" later on you'd see her with the long flowing red hair. And in that respect, this movie didn't disappoint.
