What exactly was he saying?

I have a French version with German subtitles, and I'm quite sure the subtitles are somehow wrong at one point. It's after Alain has told Marion that he cannot dance with her because he must "work". Somebody opens the song catalog and he says something that is to muffled for me to understand. Then he starts to sing, the champagne cum red rose is delivered to Marion's table…
The German subtitles are completely off. I don't have been searching the web for some French or English subtitles…without result…
Does anyone know?


Alain: Are you going to dance? (while he's singing)
Marion: If you want to. (as in, with him)
Alain: No, I mean you dance. I have to work. (sing)

Hope that helps.


He is asked how many songs he can sing ; he answers "50". (Which seems pretty short to me.)
