corny loser?

I was fascinated by this bit of subtitling, and are there any french speakers out there who can tell me what the actual word or expression is?
There is obviously no word in English to convey the meaning.


Did you ask about the origianl french title..?? : Quand j'étais chanteur.

The traslation is When I was singer.

I don´t know why "I was", because he "is" a singer....

Oscar from Rosario City


No I meant the expression CORNY LOSER which pops up in the dialogue a couple of times and is so subtitled, I wonder what that is in French.




The title of the movie is a reference to a famous 70's song by Michel Delpech, telling the story of a 73 years old retired singer who remember his days of fame with nostalgia.


that must be it going by the french translation sites I visited, merci!


btw, who in the film calls who a corny loser?


In the film Marion (De France) calls Alain (Depardieu) a 'corny loser' because he's old fashioned, just a dance hall singer who never made anything of himself and he has a nice line in cheesy chat up lines....


Ringard is corny and old fashioned, but "loser" isn't really a correct translation as "ringard" isn't necessarily and insult.


As far as I understand your question, the word which has been translated in a subtitle "corny loser" is "ringard".

Alain Moreau adds that, to be "ringard" means at least that you can last...
