rip off

how much is van diens character ripping off indiana jones?

"This Is The Art Of Shred"



Uggh....can anyone say 'The Mummy'....I hate made for tv rip offs of movies, it even has half the same actors from The Mummy lol. Yeah and also about that indiana jones thing, except hes like the most half-assed indiana jones ever. Everything about this mini-series is lame....and the lead actor should have stuck to starship troopers cos he can't act for *beep* when he was talking about the tablets to that class he looked like he was popping about 16 boners lol. I hate this show....get it off my tv and out my brain....


I have to agree, watching this on UK tv right now & it is utter drivel, the only thing worth watching is Casper with his top off. ( Oh dear I sound like a sex pest! lol ) King Tut battling demons for the fate of the world . .come on!!


Yes, i'm starting to question the historical inacuracies of this programme :p.


The last time i saw something this bad, Hull City were on the verge of being kicked out of the football league.


The number of historical innacuracies in this movie hurts my head. I have a degree in Anthropology, and I find this movie to be soul-scarringly bad. Really. Someone asked me if I was sure I wasn't watching Power Rangers. Well, at times I'm not sure.


Well, Bruce, I'm sure you meant all this as the ultimate putdown, but now you've really got my curiosity (or something) aroused. Bring on the mummies!

Caught the McPheever yet??


I really don't know what your all complaining about. This was THE best thing i have EVER seen and i really can't wait for it to come out on DVD so i can watch it over and over. I mean with all the wild historical inaccuracies, the plagerised scripts and the wooden acting who couldn't love this. Anyway 2nd part on Sky One 2nite whoo!! i wonder what scripts i can listen out for?!? What shoddily animated demons will the hero's have to fight and how much farther from history can it get?!? Wait a moment i know what'll happen, you see van Dien will save the day, win the girl etc and then bury the tomb again so that Carter can find it!!

X:Im sik of bein da guy hu eats insects n gts da funy syphilis Im finished bein evrybdys but monky!


Oh come on, what were you expecting, Gone With The Wind? Do you guys just enjoy finding fault with.... oh, wait a minute, this is the imdb, favorite playground of the invisible cyberbullies, what am I thinking?

Caught the McPheever yet??


Yeah I ment it as the 'ultimate put down'....I bitch about movies like....once or twice a year...don't *beep* ruin it for me. I'd probably had like 5 joints and a bottle of whiskey when I wrote that *beep* over it ya mad loser.



What ever happened to just enjoying a film?? It's called FICTION - i.e, not acutal events! And as for ripping of Indiana Jones - give me a break!! Every film that's been made since the Indy films that even slightly resembles this kind of genre is going to be slated as a rip off. I mean, apart from the hat, he's a completely different character - or did you not notice that when you were scribbling down your critisms?!


I really LOVED this movie and everything about it. I agree with everything you said Michelle-baird.


usually when people rip off movies they actually see te movie and not just read the blubs on the back.

Wanna know how bad this is? my 4 & 5 yo kids begged me change the channel


both my 10 year old and even my 4 year old sat and watched the movie. They loved it.



Its more synthesis of "The Mummy" with "Indiana Jones" , combined with a dose of sappy hallmark gooeyness.

Though I did watch it, on DVD wiht my brither, after havign seen antoehr "the evil Set/Sehkmet is released" story, fromt he 1970's, entitled "Doctor Who: The Pyramid Of Mars".

Int hat oen Set is Sehkmet, an evil Alein, formta race known as the Osirians, who has been trapped on earth, and seeks ot be released. Oddly, I coudlnt help but smile and ownder how Set got the power to attemtopt o be free, since he was trapped in at time/space protal by the Doctor in 1911, this filmn wa sse tin soemtime int he 1920's.
