Indian accents

Watching this piece of crap for a laugh - one of the most entertaining things in it is that all the "Egyptians" speak with an Indian accent.

But it saddens me to se Malcolm McDowell in it - how come that an actor who was so brilliant in A Clockwork Orange ended up in this Z movie...


Yep, and have straight hair! (Arabs usually have curly hair.) Was this shot in Bollywood, do you think?


India. It was filmed in India. It says this under filming locations on the frint page of the movie's listing.


Belive me, it's not the worst movie I've seen McDowell in. And at least he was barely in it.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'

reply see a has been famous actor in these films. People ask, "What happend to him/her?" He/she used to be in great films.

The answer is very simple. MONEY! They need the money. They have bills to pay and I'm sure they can use the money.
