
This is just what we need to see more of, spoiled little twits running around having a grand old time without a care in the world. These are the people I wanted to kick the crap out of when I was in high school. I hope everyone who has anything to do with this show dies and rots in Hell, especially those snotnose little pricks. Oh, I'm sorry, I mean princes.

On a side note, I can only find solace in the fact that the Spin Doctors aren't doing the promos for this commercial. You thought "Two Princes" was bad then?

"Save your breath. I am neither afraid nor capable of being comforted by your banal words." Freeze



I agree -- it actually sickens me that people can be such spoiled brats. Those are not men. The idea of this show makes me want to force my children to work when they're teens -- no matter how much money I have.


now in the previews some of these ways these brats try to earn m oney seem to be violating zoning laws.
Now if we did this we would be HEAVILY fined! But these two pricks seem to get away with it scott free
just shows how the rich can get away with anything
including murder!!

Basil: Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.




Yeah, Sid Vicious would beat the sh*t out of these two douche bags.

Good Times


lol roddy1977 that's Fawlty Towers

o nd the show is funny but sickening hahaha



Why doesn't he just boot those two ingrates?

Anyone who tolerates that type of behavior deserves to get taken advantage of.


eww! these two boys are not what they think they are. i don't find any of their actions attractive at all!! disgusting!they're so low that they can't even pay their own bills and leech off of their stepfather. i hate looking at the commercials.. they just annoy me. it looks like the those guys think they're all that. at least rich kids that go to ivy leagues aren't as much as deadbeats as these two are. i wish nothing good for them unless they really learn and realize the losers they are.


I'm actually watching this as I type (pilot episode). I'm guessing this is a reality show but it looks somewhat staged to say the least. I'll probably keep watching it (at least this episode) in the hopes that these two goofballs get their a$$es kicked by Dave.

Time passes...

Ok, done watching the episode now...nope, can't say that I'll be watching this anymore.

Oughta throw these two in with the Gotti boys. All five of them sound like they need a serious sh*tkicking. No wonder America is going down the craphole. With 'role models' such as these idiots being plastered up all over tv, its no wonder today's generation has no work ethic or sense of value of anything. And the worst part is that these are the people (I'm talking about the generation as a whole) that will be running things in 20 odd years and supposedly looking after the rest of us.

Sorry to say it but the way things are going, America may have already had its heyday and is now on the way downhill. And there's a good chance we may never recover...


What's terrible is that these two douche bags probably got a nice paycheck from Fox for starring in this crap.


The reality show should be about them going to prison and seeing how they handle it. Just a few hours north to San Quentin should do just fine. They could be the stars of an episode for that 30-days show.


I missed this show yesterday. I wanted to see how bad it was. Is it really that bad? It sure as s hit looks like it... You guys should see the boards for this show. BRUTAL!! hahaha But should I at least check out the second episode of this tripe or save myself the agony and stab my eyes out now?? haha Any suggestions?

Oh, and "role model" is stretching it and movie contracts? I hope no agent or producer is THAT dumb.

I don't f uckin' know.
Do I look like his f uckin biographer?



"only 2 good shows still on Fox is The Simpsons and Family Guy. Everything else is utter crap. "

*seething* I understand your position and respect your opinion and I also think there's very very VERY few GOOD shows on network TV...

HOWEVER, are you out of your ever-loving mind?!?


Thank you *bows and goes offstage*

I don't f uckin' know.
Do I look like his f uckin biographer?
