the ending was GREAT!!

(it was pritty bleak up till then lets face it. . .i'll explain)
When he was sat with that blue flute feeling without anything or anyone, Altaf shouted him over saying his van had cut out. He said something about it 'being old and tired - like me'. He didn't try to fix the van - because there was nothing to fix. Wasn't it a bit of a coincidence it cutting out within shouting distance of a friend sat at the roadside with no cart looking finished ?
Altaf had seen Ahmad and worked out what was going on, well enough to know that he could do something good for Ahmad in his old age. He knew he would never accept his cart if he offered it so he got him to pull it to his pitch and left making an excuse that he was going to check on his van, never to return.
When the man came to buy coffee from him he realised by how friendly he was that he thought highly of Altaf. For me the last shot of the film was Ahmad thinking about Altaf and that yes, he was a good man - and from that thought he realised what he had done for him.
For me the ending of the film was about the strength we can gain from the spirit in other peoples' deeds.


well, the director likes the audience to answer the i am all for your interpretation of the is a wonderful and uplifting one...thank you!


the copy i saw didn't have subtitle's so i don't know what altaf said to ahmad, i thought he was just covering for him while he was going to fix his van.
at first i thought the ending was rather bleak with the movie ending with the spanish girl leaving, manesh and mohammed both failing him, but i read some of the interpretations on the board and it seemed much more hopeful, the dawn breaking and such, i really dug this flick

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


Ending was weak, directing was weak, premise was weak, acting was weak. There was nothing good in this film.
