horrible and crap movie


What didn't you get? It was pretty straight forward to me.



I hate when people say a movie is crap when they don't get it. How can they know it sucks if they don't get it! Anyways it was incredible and complex, you do have to think a little to understand it but thats a good thing. It was taking a religious direction and then took a sharp turn towards a realistic approach and ended perfectly.


Maybe 1987 was when you were born, so it would be understandable that you don't "get it".
The movie was quite straightforward- whether you liked it or not is a matter of taste.


Well that's funny... I happened to understand the movie quite well and I also happened to have been born in 1987.

Don't be such a pretentious jackass.

Please sir, spare some change? *rattles a can*


Hey, that's an insult to jackasses. Donkeys/burros are completely adorable and lovable animals.


ay, si, el burro es muy loco, seƱor!!!!


i was born in 85...and I get it...thte 87 thing wouldnt have anything to do with not getting it...just not having a brain in general would though.




It's bad because you don't understand it? I'm sorry not all movies are dumbed down to your level.


crap movie. it was dumb. he had access to the mail and phones the whole time, he could have just called her and ease her into the idea that he was still alive.


"he had access to the mail and phones the whole time, he could have just called her and ease her into the idea that he was still alive."

How could "he have just called her and eased her into the idea that he was still alive"? I don't get how that could be done. The second she heard his voice she would have had one heck of a shock. Wouldn't she not?

If I want your OPINION - I'll give it to YA!! LOL


yeah he could have just called her shock or not, and it wasn't a complex movie. Pretty drab, average.


Well of course he could of just called her. Not rocket science there. The point was that the other poster said "he could have just called her and eased her into the idea that he was still alive".

Key word "eased". How could that be done if he called her? Like I said the moment she heard his voice she would have freaked. Not likely to be considered easing someone....

But hell, showing up out of the blue, like at the end isn't much better. LOL

If I want your OPINION - I'll give it to YA!! LOL


So some didn't get it. The only thing that got me a little confused was the implant but it must have been a tracking device.

Yes, he did have access but remember he tried to call his wife but couldn't get trough... The mail thing... yeah, okay... But he was told she was dead so why would he send her anything? I would agree some of the storyline was a little wague. I gave it a 7.

And I have to say -

Piper in this role. Love seeing her in the more serious down to earth roles and sad she wasn't in the movie more.

Only a human child can give her this new name. A human child? Where can I find one?


crappy flick!


He couldn't have called her because the 'people watching them' had access to the phone company like that guy he saw in the van.


I think most people who say they got this film, really didn't get this film. What they don't understand is, he really died. After that, the rest was a dream from his daughter's perspective.


My reply from another thread:

Hmmm....I dont know of too many children that age who can think up such an extravagant and detailed story. Fake executions, conspiracy, brainwashing, microchips....

Sorry, that is just not realistic.

John 15:13


I'm not even sure how you could possibly think that? Sure, in the end, Katie was talking but it was never mention nor shown that he was dead. The whole movie was based upon the fact that he was given a "second" chance, finding out truly why he was there, and returning home to his wife and daughter.


No the people who say they got it DID actually get it. He never died, what gave you that idea? He was alive and taken to this rehab place to start over so he wouldn't have to die. In the end he escaped with the old guys truck and all the dirt on that place. Maybe you should watch it again.


1)the man dream all this while dying from the lethal ingection.or it
was all in his head or 3)the little girl dream all this.sorry for my


None of the above. It was NOT a dream nor did he ever actually die. Yes he was sentenced to lethal injection but instead they just put him to sleep and transported him to Oregon so when he woke up he could start a new life. Rehabilitation. They monitored everything he did so he couldn't leave. And the chip in his arm caused the demon hallucinations and the rash. When he started catching on is when they gave him lies about the house fire and made him out to be crazy but he new better. He uploaded all the files from the main computer in that crazy place and mailed it to newspapers everywhere and escaped in the old mans truck to be with his family in the end.

