MovieChat Forums > The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) Discussion > this movie doesnt deserve 5.7 It deserve...

this movie doesnt deserve 5.7 It deserves atleast 7-8.

this movie doesnt deserve 5.7 It deserves atleast 7-8. This movie is really great.I'm 22 years old and all my friends and ı love this movie.


i agree, it should be higher, its as if most people voted based on the fact that the original main cast wasn't in it instead of appreciating the actual plot.


Who cares about who's acting in it? If it's bad, it's bad. I rated both movies 1/10. Abuse of clichés, abuse of stereotypes. They are trying too hard to appeal to a certain 15 year old teenager. This is not art, this is just crap. It's a real shame this even has 5 stars. 5 stars should only be the rating to decent movies, and this is not even close to be one. Mainstream *beep*


You're wrong my friend. This is not mainstream *beep* This is worse than that. These testosterone filled putrid abominations should be banned from existence.
The ONLY good thing to come out of them (or well, one of them at least. I don't know if she's on the sequels) is Vin Diesels character sister.
Man, what a nice piece of a55-
Other than that I agree, these... "movies" are made for retards and/or teens who think cars and speed are cool.
By the way, look at that punk ass guy who starred in these. Got himself killed and judging by the state of his car he thought he was in one of these "movies" probably...

John Dies at the End



1. he wasnt driving

2. it wasnt his car

what are you talking about? must be nice just writing whatever you think is fact.


So I guess if you're riding in my car with me, and I speed like a mfkr. I guess you'd be OK with?
If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Simple as that.

John Dies at the End


Why do you hate this guy so much?


I don't "hate" him specifically.
I hate ALL those brain dead morons who like speeding cars and think sport cars are "cool" etc... They should all meet the same fate as this guy before someone else gets hurt.

John Dies at the End


I hate ALL those brain dead morons who like speeding cars and think sport cars are "cool" etc... They should all meet the same fate as this guy before someone else gets hurt.

What's wrong with sports cars?

Since when a RAPIST (Yeah, he was a rapist.) is considered a "good man"?

Rapist? What the *beep* are you even talking about? You sound like a 15 year old kid to me. Way to go.


What's wrong with sports cars?

There's nothing inherently wrong in them I guess. Just like there's nothing wrong with having a tiny pecker and the need to compensate it by speeding and watching these "movies".
Rapist? What the *beep* are you even talking about? You sound like a 15 year old kid to me. Way to go.

GOOGLE is your friend.

John Dies at the End


GOOGLE is your friend.

All I can read from that is RUMORS and ASSUMPTIONS, "might have been", "could have been", etc. Yet you try to label it as a fact. Do you know the difference between a fact and a rumor? You fail.


Yeah, he started dating her when he was 32 and she was 16.
So FACT is that he was dating and having sex with a minor.
Even if it's concentual it's still rape.
ASSUMPTION is that he was a rapist pedophile.

John Dies at the End


Dating is not equal to having sex.


Whatever you say chief.

John Dies at the End


I hate ALL those brain dead morons who like speeding cars and think sport cars are "cool" etc... They should all meet the same fate as this guy before someone else gets hurt.

You're a *beep* vile person.

Yippee Ki-Yay!



You're wrong my friend. This is not mainstream *beep* This is worse than that. These testosterone filled putrid abominations should be banned from existence.
The ONLY good thing to come out of them (or well, one of them at least. I don't know if she's on the sequels) is Vin Diesels character sister.
Man, what a nice piece of a55-
Other than that I agree, these... "movies" are made for retards and/or teens who think cars and speed are cool.
By the way, look at that punk ass guy who starred in these. Got himself killed and judging by the state of his car he thought he was in one of these "movies" probably...

Strong words from a guy who likes Godzilla '98 and Movie 43. And how on Earth can you say such a thing about a person? All because he starred in some movies you hate? Pathetic, just pathetic.

2014: The Year of Godzilla


So SideSkroll is not just an idiot, but also a heartless A-hole (pardom my swearing). Let's see how guys on 'Godzilla' board react when they find out about this.


Yeah. Let's see. Cause you know? That's what I live for. To be liked in the Godzilla forums.
Why don't you just go and rate more movies like 300 and Captain America with a 9 or 10? You seem to be good at it.
You must be one of the dumbest persons I've ever met. Really. Not only are you a hardcore fanboy but you actually go out of your way to pick a cyber-fight with me.
Do you really have nothing better to do? Like a girlfriend or in your case most likely a boyfriend?

John Dies at the End


Do you really have nothing better to do? Like a girlfriend or in your case most likely a boyfriend?

I'm a 20-year-old male who will turn 21 this May.


So that does mean that your boyfriend is younger or older than you?

John Dies at the End


I'm a heterosexual.


OK then.

John Dies at the End


So you're still at it eh?
G98 AND Movie 43 are BOTH way better than any and all of the movies that guy starred in edited together.
If you can sit through a whole Fast and The furious movie without regurgitating yesterdays lunch you're my hero.
And whoever drives fast cars or anything like that, disregarding the safety of people around him not only deserves to die but his/her death must be a brutal one.
You seem to not care about things like that so I don't expect you to understand.

John Dies at the End


So you're still at it eh?
G98 AND Movie 43 are BOTH way better than any and all of the movies that guy starred in edited together.
If you can sit through a whole Fast and The furious movie without regurgitating yesterdays lunch you're my hero.
And whoever drives fast cars or anything like that, disregarding the safety of people around him not only deserves to die but his/her death must be a brutal one.
You seem to not care about things like that so I don't expect you to understand.

Do you not realize Paul Walker was NOT the one who was driving that day?


Doesn't matter. He could've said "stop it" and let that be the end of it.
He probably was tripping his balls off from excitement while at it so yeah... I don't feel for the guy.

John Dies at the End


If you don't feel for him, just don't say such things in a PUBLIC website.


What? this guy should be publicized as a bad example.
There should be ads advertising what could be your fate if you do things like this.
There are kids who looked up to him you know? That might try to emulate what he did.
Are you OK with that? Do you think he was a role model and that he should be emulated by kids who don't know any better?

John Dies at the End


What? this guy should be publicized as a bad example.
There should be ads advertising what could be your fate if you do things like this.
There are kids who looked up to him you know? That might try to emulate what he did.
Are you OK with that? Do you think he was a role model and that he should be emulated by kids who don't know any better?

Do you realize the more and more you say such things, the more likely I'm going to expose all these to other boards?


Are you actually "threatening me"? LOL.
Let me save you the trouble...

John Dies at the End


What trouble?

There you go my friend.
You shouldn't concern yourself with such a puny thing as "exposing" me.

John Dies at the End


Each of your own.

I won't expose you for the time being.


You won't "expose me"?
Dude, I already posted this whole thread on the boards. They don't seem to care. and I wouldn't care even if they did so... Please, do "expose me" if it makes you happy.

John Dies at the End


G98 AND Movie 43 are BOTH way better than any and all of the movies that guy starred in edited together.

You mean like Pleasantville and Flags of Our Fathers? The latter of which was directed by Clint Eastwood. But that's besides the point, I couldn't care that much if you disliked Walker's films, but the fact that you express pleasure in his untimely passing is disgusting and despicable. Walker was a good man, had a family, and was very good to his fans.

And whoever drives fast cars or anything like that, disregarding the safety of people around him not only deserves to die but his/her death must be a brutal one.

He was not driving the vehicle and what happened was an accident, which could have happened to anyone else, no matter how many rules they followed on the road.

2014: The Year of Godzilla


You mean like Pleasantville and Flags of Our Fathers? The latter of which was directed by Clint Eastwood. But that's besides the point, I couldn't care that much if you disliked Walker's films, but the fact that you express pleasure in his untimely passing is disgusting and despicable. Walker was a good man, had a family, and was very good to his fans.

He's not even in Pleasantville dude. He's like the extra for the extras... The fact that an actor makes some sort of an unintentional glorified cameo doesn't mean he/she is a part of the whole film.
Besides, it's not like the movie is any kind of masterpiece.
And regarding Flags of our Fathers... Meh, I guess that movie is better overall. But still, it's not like he's the "star" on them..
And he was a good man? A "family man"? Since when a RAPIST (Yeah, he was a rapist.) is considered a "good man"?
Being a rapist is despicable and disgusting. Having a child with a minor is REPULSIVE. His whole life was an aberration. I'm glad he's dead. Yeah. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm friggin glad he's dead.
And his "fans" can go suck a fat one. Being a fan of a rapist/speed racer daredevil should be actually BANNED and punishable by law.
It comes as no surprise that you're probably one of them.

He was not driving the vehicle and what happened was an accident, which could have happened to anyone else, no matter how many rules they followed on the road.

Yes, it was an "accident". An accident caused by recklessly driving a race car in a non-regulated road(It doesn't matter if he was the driver or not. Have you heard of being an accessory?). And it could only happen to people that, like him, get involved in reckless situations which are AGAINST THE LAW.
Stop trying to defend a sorry excuse for a human being like this guy was.
Now if you excuse. I have nothing else to talk with you or your friend.
You're welcomed to keep trying to bait me though.
Keep being a fan of disgusting people dude.
Oh, and the F&F movies are beyond terrible, so you should really think twice before criticizing Movie 43 or any other movie for that matter...

John Dies at the End


Would you've said the same thing if it happened to your family?


Just to wrap it up with you as well:

If a member of my family suddenly becomes a rapist who enjoys speeding in public roads then yeah. I would be glad if he/she got killed. Heck! I would be the one cutting their break lines or some sh!t.
Now go back to "exposing me" dude.
Did you think that your half-assed thread would mean ANYTHING to me? Was I supposed to get scared or something?
I'm done with you. Good luck my friend.

John Dies at the End


I'm not asking about the rape thing. Would you've said the same thing about your family if he/she died in a same way how Paul Walker died?


...who enjoys speeding in public roads then yeah. I would be glad if he/she got killed. Heck! I would be the one cutting their break lines or some sh!t.

This is the last time I reply to your ass.

John Dies at the End


These testosterone filled putrid abominations should be banned from existence.

And then the VERY next sentence...

The ONLY good thing to come out of them (or well, one of them at least. I don't know if she's on the sequels) is Vin Diesels character sister.
Man, what a nice piece of a55-



I think you're watching the wrong type of film. Clearly this type of action movie is not for you. If I were you I wouldn't watch any more of this franchised set. I agree with those who say that this movie is greatly under-rated. To my mind it's the best of the set, no matter who's in it and who isn't.


@docp: Agreed mate! Just hate it when somebody comes around and says " i hated the first one but i hated this one even more".. i mean..come on.. you must have way too much time on your hands if you are following a series that you "never" liked in the first place.. so just a get a life!

For me the ratings of the series sit like this:

F&F 1 = 7.5 (it set a decent ground for the genre..and the characters were great)
F&F 2 = 5.5 (was way too comical for me)
F&F 3 = 7 (was pretty good even though it dint have the original cast.. good cars, good racing, good soundtrack and felt like a fresh breeze for the series.. have watched it multiple times)
F&F 4 = 6 (wasnt great on any level.. still liked a couple of scenes.. but just a one time watch)
F&F 5 = 8 (was very good on many levels.. the new characters, story, action sequences, etc)
F&F 6 = 8 (same as 5.. pretty good)

The series kinda rebooted with Fast 5 and its getting stronger.. cant wait for the next one with Jason Statham.
Its unfortunate that Paul Walker died though..RIP.


People who rate movies 1/10 should JUST NOT watch the damn movie in the first place! Didnt you see the damn trailer before you saw the movie? Or didnt you know what the whole series is about?? IMDB rating system has got corrupted because of people like this. When you rate a movie on a scale, its a measurement of different factors.. its not just to show your hate for the genre.. just go watch something else!

P.S: Sorry if i sounded a bit aggressive, but am just pissed off at what's become of the IMDB rating system.


Very few movies deserve a 1/10, or a 10/10. That's what screws up the ratings. Congratulations on all the the 1 for 10's, you really make such a statement to the world.


I gave it a 6.
It was a 4 on my first viewing but seeing it again and it's not that bad. Just different. The teen angle with the Japanese twist might not be as accessible as the regular entries in the series.


The movie ain't bad. I actually love the cars in this one. They are pretty hot. But I think a lot of people felt the way I did. When you slap Fast & Furious on the film they expect to see at least Paul Walker. I think a lot of people were disappointed that the original crew was not in the film. As a stand alone film its okay. It certainly delivers on the car tip. But I think a lot of people wanted the old gang back.


The movie itself isn't bad but fans were wondering why a lot of the original castmembers were absent in the film since that was why people love the series since Dominic and Brian are the ones that people want to see.


I think over time it's rating will go up to what it deserves which is a 7 due to it being part of a longer series.

As the series ages with 789, people will look back on Tokyo Drift as a focus on Han's story, similar to FF2 which focused on Brian.

I also think there will a film focusing on Dwayne Johnson and Torretto's ex.


Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see him in the next on... Oops... I guess you won't :D

John Dies at the End


I honestly gave it a 9. For me, after '2 Fast...' this was a much needed shot in the arm. Plus its one of the few movies where I bought both the score and the soundtrack.


Are you guys serious? This is the worst F&F of them all. It's not really about the old cast. It's about bad acting, *beep* characters and a pathetic story. And it's right down there with 2 Fast 2 Furious.



Couldn't agree more. 2 Fast 2 Furious was better in every way because, well, it didn't take itself seriously, and was stupid fun! This, the acting was so bad that nails in my eyes would feel much better than watching Lucas Black act. The only reason why the THOUGHT of this movie exists is because of Han, and SPOILERS AHEAD (for those who have yet to see this film or Fast & Furious 6) when he died, the movie was unbearable. Kind of like the new Ghost Rider; when Idris Elba's Moreau died, the movie was pure *beep* when his character was alive, it was bearable.

Poor writing, acting and casting don't do the directing justice. I'm just glad they tied in Tokyo Drift in a good way, instead of making it complete pretentious *beep* I just pray to God Lucas Black doesn't come back for 7, and that Rihanna isn't casted as well


A 5 is meant to be an average film. Tokyo Drift was very average and forgettable.


A 5 is meant to be an average film.

for some people it might be but for me a 5/10 is below average and a 6/10 is average (but ultimately a Thumbs Down). a 7/10 is my minimum score for a Thumbs Up on my scale.

because you can look at it like this...

7/10 or higher = everyone considers this a Thumbs Up.
6/10 = some consider this a Thumbs Down (including myself) and some consider it a Thumbs Up.
5/10 or lower = everyone considers this a Thumbs Down.

my scale is pretty much like this...

9's and 10's = i only given these out to around 80 films out of the 1600+ total movies i have seen. so as you can see i don't hand these out much.
8/10 = pretty much my minimum score for something to be memorable. it's not easy for movies to achieve this rating for me but it's not super hard to get either.
7/10 = my minimum score for a Thumbs Up. anything that lands here or higher i can and often do re-watch. (this is where the Fast & Furious series lands (all of the films i gave a 7/10 although i think Tokyo Drift might be closer to a 6.5))
6/10 = Average. but ultimately a Thumbs Down.
5/10 = Below Average. it can be borderline failure at times.
4/10 or less = Failure (most films that land here i find to be boring and boring is pretty much the worst crime a film can commit)

for measure... most movies i watch land on either a 6/10 or 7/10.

also, i tend to see IMDb's average ratings like this...

5.x/10 or less = generally negative opinions
6.x/10 range = mixed opinions
7.x/10 or higher = generally positive opinions

although... i would say around mid 7's and higher is when something really starts to get mostly praise.

Tokyo Drift was very average and forgettable.

i still liked the movie overall (although it's on the weak side of a Thumbs Up and the worst of the series overall) which is a bit surprising considering it lacks the core guys which are Diesel/Walker as those two are the heart of the series.

at worst... it's the high side of average.
at best... slightly above average.

bottom line... it's a movie i can watch more than once and that's what ultimately makes or breaks a movie in the long term as if i won't care to see a film more than once it's not getting more than a 6/10 from me. i give Tokyo Drift a 6.5-7/10 (probably closer to a 6.5) so it's a weak thumbs up.

My Vote History ...


Hahahahahahaha! Seriously?


Note that females under 18 gave it a 6.8. That is very generous. Basically, a lame, shallow movie with weak plot and average acting.

Males under 18



Females under 18




guys pls only soundtracks and cars deserve 7 :))


The only one that's any better is fast five. The others kind of suck and are boring cars/cops movies with not much to offer. A few OK action sequences peppered in, and lots and lots and lots of expository dialogue and soap opera drama...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


Well for me the soundtrack was worth 9! Because by the time Tokyo Drift hits the movie, I was having a 2 days long trip and the song really keeps me 'alive'!
And I think, it was also because by the time, the Need for Speed game is hitting hard and make this movie a hot-hot. The story isn't superb, the race is yeah, cool, but in the end, it's Japan and always worth an least.
