Initial D connection

I was curious as to what this movie's connection to the anime/manga series, Initial D, was. There's no reference to Initial D anywhere in the movie, but there are downhill mountain road racing scenes in the movie that are like those in Initial D. And the drift king who inspired Initial D, Keiichi Tsuchiya, is involved in this movie, as a technical adviser and as stunt double driver for Sean in the downhill mountain scenes. I watched some of the extras on the DVD and nobody mentioned Initial D. Yet this film was produced after Initial D got released in the U.S. (by TokyoPop). I would imagine that some of the audience (like me) went into it familiar with Initial D. Yet there was no acknowledgment of Initial D anywhere.

Are there any other Initial D fans who wondered about any of this?


Around the time that Tokyo Drift came out, the creators of Initial D were trying to get a film made based on their material. That's what I read back then. I'll try to find a link to the article.


There was a live action Initial D movie with the directors and cast from Infernal Affairs. Came out a year before Tokyo Drift.



When Sean is racing against DK's underling you can see a AE86 (White One) in the background of the race.

Keiichi Tsuchiya (the Guy initial D basicly is based on) is one of the fishermen in the harbour while Sean is learning to drift. He's in the movie though cause he was one of the first to become a legendary racer in the mountains of Japan, guy's simply is too much of a legend not to be hinted in the movie.
Sorry for my poor English, it's not my native tounge.

