Doug and Alex

Does anyone else think that Doug from the first movie would have beat the crap out of a guy like Alex who was into his daughter? I swear when he pushed Alex around his room and into the shower, I nearly cheered.

But the whole scene where he was encouraging Jackie to go for a relationship with Alex struck me as out of character.


I think that the reason he was encouraging Jackie to go for a relationship with Alex (against his better judgment) is that he knew she loved him. I would agree that it seemed out of character for Doug to like Alex and his lifestyle.


Well it could be that he sees himself in Alex. After all, Alex and Doug have a lot of similarities in their pre-realization of love days. In all actuality Doug was more of a skirt chaser than Alex is -- he was only shown with one other woman where Doug was show with several. The biggest difference between the two was that Doug was determined to achieve his dream or at least a version of it - he was forced to face failure by an outside source and he meet the challange; where as Alex has no follow through because he fears failure and hadn't had to face it yet. Doug in the shower scene explains what he had to learn the hard way.
