MovieChat Forums > Mock the Week (2005) Discussion > Get Russell Howard off this show NOW!

Get Russell Howard off this show NOW!

Seriously, he needs to be dropped. Somebody needs to tell him that shouting,
doing west country accents and acting like you have ADD is no substitute for a sense of humour. This evening's episode was COMPLTELY ruined by his antics.


I agree SO much, I came on this board just to rant this. He doesn't even seem to have any knowledge OR interest in politics, which is to a large extent the point of the show.
What I hate the most is how when he's talking, he turns towards the camera and directs what he's saying mostly towards the people at home, most of them (Frankie and Hugh for example) direct what they are saying at Dara. I have no idea why that annoys me, it just does. It just feels like he's trying too hard to be funny - and he isn't. Watch him in Scenes We'd Like To See, his ideas are always childish, unfunny or similar to an idea just done by Frankie.


He ruined yet another episode tonight - get him off this show NOW.


Tatty bo jangles? he's a bloody child.



yeh his stand up was lame. they need to replace him with someone like David Mitchel, Paul Merton or Ross Noble

My Dad used to say 'fight fire with fire' which is why he got thrown out of the the fire brigade


He even repeated that joke he made in a previous episode, the one about exams getting easier.

Appropriate that he chose the topic of 'Rage' where he can do his usual shouting.


Haven't seen the show in ages, but I always thought Russell was funny. The one guy who annoyed me most was Frankie. Yes, I know everyone loves him, but his stock in trade in shock rather then actual wit, and he does overpower the show too much week after week.

$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(



Most people I know, despises Hugh or Andy. I them both and I didn't realise there was so much hatred towards Russell, at least three threads here are dedicated to his removal.

$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(



Dara is the man, I wouldn't be too upset if any of the other regulars left the show, but Dara is to MTW (almost) to what Stephen Fry is to QI.

$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(



A slight confession here, just before my trip to the frozen frontiers of Europe, I sort of bought an iPod-mini for £20, and I thought it was.... OK.


$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(



[commits seppuku]

...but... it... looked... like... a good... deal [dies]

$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(


I'm sorry but I'm going to be devil's advocate here, and say that after Frankie Boyle Russell Howard is the most consistently funny panelist (to my taste, anyway: humour is subjective of course).

He doesn't repeat jokes that much, has a good variation of humour, and works the hardest to converse with the other panelists rather than just throw in pre-prepared soundbites, which is what the majority of the others do.

But, again, subjective. In my opinion, the one that needs to go (or at least stop being a permanent fixture) is Andy Parsons. Cringeworthy humour, emphasises EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. SLOWLY. And only ever talks about Gordon Brown.


You may not find him funny, but a lot of people do. There making a show for the British public in general, not just you so they can't shape and mold it just to your liking. I personally like him and it appears so do a lot of others, so if you can't stand him, mute it whenever he speaks and let others enjoy him.


You may not find him funny, but a lot of people do. There making a show for the British public in general, not just you so they can't shape and mold it just to your liking. I personally like him and it appears so do a lot of others, so if you can't stand him, mute it whenever he speaks and let others enjoy him.

I think you will find message boards are there for people to post their opinions on aspects of the show. By the way, I think you will find THEY'RE making a show for the British public, not 'there' - your comment doesn't make sense.


No, they need a balance of different styles. He's not my favourite of the four but he does lighten things up - it would be too dark if everyone was like Frankie.

Nostalgia, how long's that been around?


Wow, I'm quite shocked by the Russell Howard hating. I have never considered him annoying and find him quite funny. If anything I think Hugh should go. I don't find him funny at all. He just does hopeless impressions every now and then and occassionally says something ever so slightly witty and looks incerdibly smug with himself.

I'm not a huge fan of Andy Parsons either. He says every joke in exactly the same way. There's no variation in his tone or delivery, which I find really annoying.

Russell Howard though has a good way of delivering his jokes and offers a lighter alternative to Boyle's dark but hilarious jokes.
