MovieChat Forums > Mock the Week (2005) Discussion > Do they ever have good guests anymore?

Do they ever have good guests anymore?

This week Stuart Francis and that other girl were awful

Bring on Adam Hills and Michael McIntyre, best guests ever!!!





Stewart Francis is awful, I don't know why they keep bringing him back. That other chick, I forget her name, I admittedly didn't think much at first because I automatically thought "oh god, a woman." But she was crap.


Stewart Francis is amazing.

Michael "I have bouncy hair and I laugh at ALL of my jokes" Mcintyre is just plain annoying and unfunny.


I like Stewart Francis. I especially like him in the stand-up rounds and the way he tells his jokes a bit different from everyone else. He makes me laugh

What did you just say? Say it again or I’ll break your other wrist! ~ Jack Bauer


I find him blah personally. Sadly, I have to agree about the women thing, the only good one that's ever been on is that Gina ?????? I really like her! However, the girl yesterday was terrible, even the studio auience didn't laugh.

I agree about Ed Byrne being really good too, and David Mitchel.



Last nights episode wasn't great but I thought both guests were really good. Stewart Francis is awesome and Holly Walsh was really funny her stand up bit was better than Russel and Andy's, the memory loss thing in the final round I found really funny and she did contribute throughout the episode

Ed Byrne and David Mitchell are the only two guests that I think could cope with being regulars though


Yeh David Mitchel needs to come back. I love some of the rants he goes on

Al Murry was also a guest in the first series and he defiantly needs to come back
but i do really like Stewart Francis even though he just has one liners.

My Dad used to say 'fight fire with fire' which is why he got thrown out of the the fire brigade



It's simply because women aren't that funny that's why.


That wasn't unbelievably harsh.




Not over-analytical at all, it's nice to get some interesting thoughts. I thought Holly Walsh was really good last night.

But who is that woman who is on now and then: very short, goofy smile, always wears that green dress, and is PAINFULLY unfunny?



The only guests who have been really good for me are Michael McIntyre and Stewart Francis, the rest aren't very good.

Although, I think part of it is now down to expectation. Like when Gail Porter (I think that's her name) is on, everyone expects her to be bad coz she mostly is, so if she says something good no one cares much.

Like with her '5 headed dog' joke, that was pretty good I felt, but the audience only gave a tickle of laughter - however, had Frankie come out with that joke then everyone would have roared with laughter, just because it's Frankie and his jokes are mostly funny.

So I think it's to do with the expectations people have now aswel as the quality of the jokes. Frankie has come out with some really crap jokes ('ice fishing', to name one) but people think his bad jokes are hillarious - if a guest said those same jokes instead no one would laugh.


