MovieChat Forums > Mock the Week (2005) Discussion > Brilliant episode last night without Fra...

Brilliant episode last night without Frankie Boyle

I loved Mock the Week on Thursday with Boyle not around, it was a nice break for once. Finally others could say something, Russel got his time to shine and it was worth the guests actually worth showing up.

David Mitchell made a very good replacment, being just as cynical but allowing others to actually speak and not gainig laughs by just randomly saying someones face looked like a scrotum with a sad face and tossing in *beep* here and there.


Shun the non-believer *shun*

Patrick Bateman vs Dexter Morgan :D The money i would pay to watch that fight...


Now you're just being silly. Boyle is Mock the week. I'd say the amount of viewers that immediately switched off would startle!


O.K, in retrospect I do like Frankie, I was just glad for the break of his certain style of comedy. I just dislike the way he hogs the lime light.


An episode without Frankie!? I might just have to start watching the show again.

"Just deal with your girlfriend's cheesy feet. She puts up with your cheesy face." - Jack Dee


