Russell Howard

I wish someone could please tell Russell Howard that not everybody finds his childhood/goings on in his personal life, as funny as he does. This guy would seriously struggle if he could no longer rely on bringing up his own memories for comedy purposes.

I've also noticed he's started wearing glasses. I'm wondering whether he really needs them or if he's using them in an attempt to put across a more intellectual persona. Or if he's just trying to be like Frankie Boyle.


Is it just me, or is he slowly turning into Sue Perkins? With the hair and the glasses and all!

lovedawn - vitriolic ranting at its laziest


No, Sue Perkins is funny.


LOL! I just meant physically, not mentally.

lovedawn - vitriolic ranting at its laziest


I just think he's trying to look more professional now that he has a tv show.

Tea Is For Mugs.


he always did wear glasses occasionaly before - ive seen pictures of him wearing them. I think possibly his eyesight may be getting worse and it may be easier for him to wear them on a regualr basis maybe?

I havn't got a naughty bone in my body....except for the one that was in my boyfriend last night!


Perhaps his deteriorating eyesight it related to his rapily decreasing ability to be in the least bit amusing.

He's just getting on my nerves now and I used to quite like him.


He's very puerile, isn't he? He'd be perfect for E4!

"Losing your hair? Tiny cock? Buy a Porsche!" MTW


his childish is the reason i like him. listening to someone like dylan moran moan for two hours is so boring.

i love how hyper and happy he is.


Geez, thank you! Okay so I quite like Moran but anyway, this is totally what I think too. He's fun and happy and yes a bit childish but from all the hate I've been reading about him people just take comedy too damn seriously. Comedy is funny = fun! How can people get this angry and just because he isn;t either angry about everything (Frankie, but I love him too) or has a very intelligent brand of humour. He's not a moron, but he deoes fill a niche of silly comedy that a lot of people love, but which a lot of people don't because, I think, it's not generally what defines a comedian at the moment.

JESSIE There, now I can change my ID as often as I damn well please.







Dear god, just how seriously do you take "Good News"? He does a bunch of stories that involve making fun of how crap everything really is these days, and then at the end shows a nice clip to show there's a bit of good on occasion. I don't think he thinks he's profound for showing it. He probably just thinks it's...oh I don't know, something nice. That's it. But you don't want to like him, hell you seem to enjoy hating him. And thus a rather inoffensive segment turns into something pretentious and worthy of your antipathy.

If you really have "seen more of Good News" than you'd care to admit, than turn it off and go have a wank over Dylan Moran or Frankie Boyle or any of the other NUMEROUS miserable gits there are out there for your viewing pleasure.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



The only Michael McIntyre a know of is the annoying Elvis-looking fellow who's been on Mock the Week a couple times. I've never seen his stand up so I can only comment on his performance on the show, in which case he didn't contribute much. I'm Canadian, so my view of British comedy is limited to what I can find and download online. And even if I didn't like this McIntyre guy, so what? Is it really worth looking down on someone for laughing at a comedian you don't like. What's the point?

And the thing is, I really love Fawlty Towers, and I do enjoy Dylan Moran, but it's not exactly a difficult route to take in comedy is it? To stand on a stage or screen and talk about how the world is going to hell. Comedians who just bitch about everything are a dime a dozen. You may call Howard banal or daft but I personally think it's harder to make people laugh at the world for its best aspects as opposed to its worst. People love to see the worst in things, so it's not exactly a revolutionary idea to stand up and make people laugh by reaffirming their own misery or hatred over a topic.
Bill Hicks (the greatest comedian of all time in my opinion), was possibly one of the most miserable comedians to have ever graced a stage. But he still ended his shows by talking about how we shouldn't take life to seriously, how we can make the world better. Now I'm not saying Howard is even close to Bill Hicks (seriously, not even in the same arena as Hicks), but I see the similarities in their approaches and I appreciate them.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



Well then I guess our main difference is that I do find him entertaining, and think that what he does (original or not), he does well. If you don't like him that's fine.
I just don't like it when people are looked down upon for their taste in comedians. It shouldn't matter if you love George Carlin or that dude who smashes watermelons on stage. Comedy is one of the most completely subjective things out there. It's perfectly justifiable to hate a comedian, but to hate his fans is just ridiculous (not that you hate his fans, it's just a common pattern on these boards).

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



...I like Little Britain.

Personally Frankie doesn't offend me in the slightest, and he can be quite funny, but it just gets old because he repeats so much of his stand up routines on Mock the Week. There's only so many times you can hear that Gordon Brown looks like a scrotum or a ball sack before it starts to wear thin.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



Well yeah, I watched almost all of the first season of Little Britain USA when it aired here on HBO. Not every sketch works, but when they get one right I think they're pretty funny. Good, but not great. Why? Is there some big backlash against the show or something?

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



I really never paid that close attention to be honest. I'd see it on TV, flick it on, sometimes I'd laugh, sometimes I wouldn't. But I think we've already established that you probably don't think I have any taste in comedy, so at this point I don't really give two sh!ts about the general public or private opinion of Little Britain. Now I'm off to finish watching my Adam Hills stand up DVD. Not only do I like optimists, I like Australians.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



I'm finishing up my second DVD of his. He's mentioned being Australian once (because he was performing in Australia) and he hasn't mentioned his leg at all. His whole performance is kind of about how he defines character so he can teach his god son to grow up and be a good person and find joy in life.

You haven't offended me, but my whole thing is that anybody should like any form of comedy they like without being smug about it. Because I'm not just a Russell Howard fan. I love George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Denis Leary, Eddie Murphy (the early years), Redd Foxx, Dylan Moran, Lewis Black, Richard Pryor, Mitch Hedberg, Sam Kinison, Chris Rock, and Demetri Martin. I'm a fan of hundreds of comedians but I get the feeling you made up your mind about me the moment I defended Russell Howard. And I think it's a bit ridiculous that the opinion of any one person (or their inferiority/superiority) should be defined by their preference in stand up comedians.

Also, I'm a girl. Not that you can't call me dude, but in case you thought you were talking to someone with a penis...I wanted to clarify.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



Yup, Denis Leary ripped some of his jokes off. But he also had is own material, which was funny as well. And Hicks's stuff was funny to begin with, so I got to laugh at the same stuff twice. That's comedy for you.

And hell, I'm only 17. Maybe I'll look back in 20 years and think Russell Howard is a total twat. But God I hope not. I want to find more stuff out there that makes me happy and makes me laugh, not lose the stuff that already does. If the biggest complaint anyone makes against me is that I liked too much stuff, well fantastic. Great. That's the person I wanna be. I want to love McDonald's and an 8 ounce Filet Mignon without a hint of shame. And I never want to let anyone else's personal tastes in pop culture bother me. And that's what I've been doing so far, and it's worked great for me.

But that's not for everybody. And that's fine.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.



I was thinking maybe Vienna Philharmonic, but they don't allow women to play in it, so for the sake of equality I think I'll get the New York Philharmonic as my backing.
Now I've also heard the only way to truly tell if an internet fight (or tiff or argument) is over, is if someone mentions Hitler. So...Hitler.
There, feels good to really bring about a strong conclusion.

Bender: I was God once.
God: Yes, I saw. You were doing well until everyone died.


