MovieChat Forums > Dancing with the Stars (2005) Discussion > Not a fan of all the sex they're shoving...

Not a fan of all the sex they're shoving on Amber

First with the song "Booty" to do a salsa and that ridiculous outfit while her counterpart got a traditional song and costume. Second Kym asking her to teach her how to twerk on the results show, and now for Cirque Du Soleil they gave them Zumanity which once again revolves around sex.

WTF?? Its offensive and ridiculous. Just because she's a curvy woman doesn't mean she wants to or even likes playing the sexpot role constantly. The "Booty" routine last week shows she's not even really comfortable with that kind of thing.

Last week I said Amber should have refused that song and again I feel she needs to put her foot down. They're turning her into a caricature and its absolutely classless.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


Are they able to refuse a song without breaching their contract? I could see the show making sure they have the ability to force someone off if they don't cooperate. I do feel like Maks could be advocating for her more, but he doesn't care. It is a shame they are not giving her any variety in the tone of her dances.

They did the same thing to Charlotte a few seasons ago.


I really don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if they were forced to do whatever song the producers pick but I think she would be completely justified in saying something about it whether its through the media or whatever.

And yes Maks should be advocating for her. The whole "Booty" song choice and outfit annoyed me so bad last week and hearing that they have Zumanity this week is just completely over the top.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


Yeah, with the song choices and routines they're not really giving her much of a chance. At least on TV week she had a dance that didn't emphasize her big booty. And she seemed more comfortable that week than she did this week.


They are putting her in a box. She is capable of so much more but they keep shoving this sexual image of her which doesn't give her a fighting chance with the demographic that watches this show. She is being turned into a cariacature but she seems very timid at times and I guess is afraid to say no.

Like another poster said she was much more comfortable with the GOT dance during TV week. Hopefully Maks can take the routine and transform it into something more.

True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it. ~Karl R. Popper


They are putting her in a box. She is capable of so much more but they keep shoving this sexual image of her which doesn't give her a fighting chance with the demographic that watches this show.

Yup. And its completely unfair.

I also agree that she looked way more comfortable during the GOT routine and even her week 1 routine.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


She is being turned into a cariacature but she seems very timid at times and I guess is afraid to say no.

Yeah I agree, when Kym was like "show me how to twerk" it was obvious Amber didn't really want to but she did it anyway, albeit halfheartedly, before saying she would show Kym later. She seems like a sweet person and I wish they were playing up a different side of her. We can all see that she is attractive woman with breasts and an ass, can we move on?

What the hell is a Stiles?


I'm really glad that I'm not the only one seeing what's going on.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


I love Maks, but I wish Amber had a more creative choreographer like Mark (or yes, even Derek). I feel like Mark and Derek would find better ways to switch up her image.


This is also true. Maks doesn't have to feed into it but he does. Creativity has never been a strong suit of his.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


I agree. She was obviously uncomfortable when Kym asked her twerk in front of everybody. I don't know why the producers are sexing her up so much. We get it, she has a big butt and curves, that doesn't mean she wants to shove it in everybody's face every week.

What the hell is a Stiles?


I think last week was a good choice for her to do an entertaining dance. Sure, technique was thrown out the window, but she gained points for bring entertaining and playing to her strengths. I understand why she might feel shy and reserved in some ways, but Amber is no wallflower. Hopefully tonight she shows us something different and masters more actual technique.


No offense, people, but check out the following link:


I knew who Amber Rose was before this show. I know quite a bit about her and am very familiar with who she is. Thanks for the link?

I wouldn't care if she did porn. People have the right to not be shoved in a box and portrayed as one dimensional caricatures.


Internet people are weirdos. - Jenna Middleton


Amber's image is all about sex. That's the image she puts out there, kinda like Charlotte being the big boob girl and playing to that for the show. You get treated the way you put yourself out there as. Amber doesn't have a bad bone in her body but she is kinda....slutty, sorry to say.


I get the feeling most people commenting aren't familiar with amber rose AT ALL. Her image is all about sex and sexuality and exposure. She hosts slut walks....I suppose the producers of the show think that's all she has to offer since that's mostly all she talks about. I do really wish they would switch up her image on the show though. She seems nice.


SlutWalk isn't about sex, nor is it about being a slut if that's what you're saying.

What the hell is a Stiles?


I haven't seen Amber before this show, but I have heard of her.

It is kind of ironic, taking offense at "body shaming" the latest catch-all phrase, and putting yourself out there to be ogled and seen as a one-dimension sex object.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


True. But she is stuck with the shape she paid for lol and someone doesn't have a right to say out loud "Im uncomfortable". I don't give a damn how Julianne tries to spin it, she said that in regards to her shape and how she was dancing on Maks. If Amber was 120lbs she wouldn't have said that. How does someone lack of skill make you "uncomfortable" ? Lol
