What was yelled at ryan

From the audience during brunos remarks. Anyone make it out? I got "you cheated!"


I heard "you cheater"


Yea I couldn't catch it either.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


I thought it was "you cheater" too.

~I am defying gravity, and soon I'll match them in renown...


According to people.com it was "Go Gators" because Ryan is an alum of the U of Fla.


This would make sense to me. If it was a negative comment I think the person would have kept yelling. Also Ryan seemed to laugh at the comment and not look upset by it. If someone was heckling I don't think he'd have been smiling unless he didn't hear what was said.


What I heard was like "yo greeoler!" Didn't make any sense to me.


I heard an R sound, I assumed it was partly 'liar'.

The show has beefed up their security, I am sure whoever yelled was removed from his seat and escorted out of the building.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


It was "Go Gators." Ryan is an alumni of the University of Florida.

What the hell is a Stiles?
