Piece of crap

This show is 1,000,000 times worse than I, or anyone, could have possibly imagined.

Hate to think how bad the original pilot was, considering it needed extensive rewrites and a reshoot.

And yet it's still a piece of crap.

I bet Channel 7 are already regretting commissioning a second series.

What an absolute dud.



Worse show on earth they need to cancel it quick


sorry i just had 2 reply 2 katness...ned fan?? i love ur sig! and i love ned!



They are showing it right now (2.00-3.30 pm sunday) as an 'encore presentation' yes right sure. It looks absolutely crap. This looks like a worse version of home and away without all the people possibly dying all the time or something.
It's shocking. And the way it's been filmed looks bad as well.


Totally agree it's *beep* Very disappointing! The acting is ok, but still not great. The sets look crap, the lighting is worse by a million than Neighbours, and some scenes are completely pointless, I mean HELLO! If you go to bed without a shirt on and the window open and its windy and cold PUT A FREAKING SHIRT ON! There are better productions being produced by students! KILL IT KILL IT NOW!


Well, from the ads before it started I expected it to be rubbish, just from the acting. But I decided to watch it anyway, since it is an Aussie show and I wanted to give it a fair go. I can't say I like it, but not ready to give up just yet. I just wish they'd get rid of the stupid blonde chick coz her acting is by far the worst. I think they only used her coz she looks a little like Tasha from Home & Away. Sad really. No excuse for such terrible acting.

Shahid Afridi fan #1.

I love Aaron.


yeh i have to agree this show is soooo crap!!the buildingz n settingz r made out of cardboard, they dont made da show look real!!


No. But that could improve. I mean, once they find an audience then they may put more money into it which would improve the sets and hopefully better actors.

Shahid Afridi fan #1.

I love Aaron.


I actually did some extra work for this show a couple of months back. I only got to see one scene, and it seemed pretty lacklustre, but I thought "hey, original Australian programming, excellent, I'll give it a chance when it's broadcast."

How wrong I was.

First of all, whoever decided to shoot the entire thing on videotape needs to be fired. Then hanged. Then drawn. Then quartered. It makes the entire thing look like a blind man's home video. Absolutely terrible. For the record, most of it's actually shot on location. The reason it looks like cardboard is because of the low quality videotape.

Who directs this rubbish? The camera shakes, rolls, travels everywhere - is it supposed to be arty? The soundtrack, meanwhile, seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the action onscreen - it doesn't serve to heighten the emotions or help us understand what's going on. It doesn't even synch up with the shots.

But the worst part of this programme is a tie between the scripts and the acting. Good grief - anybody who's actually watched it will know what I'm talking about.

I'm appearing in either episode 3 or 4. I'm sitting at the front of a law lecture that the blonde girl runs into and starts complaining about slander. I'll be sitting next to a guy with a skungy ponytail and rubbishy facial hair, and I'll have a pencil in my mouth. Look out for me, cos I know I won't be.

Once upon a time there was a happy little sausage called Baldrick and he lived happily ever after.



Not the best show ever, but I don't think it's that bad. As for the blonde chick, I really don't think she is that bad of an actor. If you have seen her out of character, she is a completely different person - so there must be some acting going on. The character is not very likeable though - which I think is the point.





Yes the pilot was poor but many great shows have had shoddy pilots...

Writing a TV series is so hard because you can't give away too much in the first episode, but you also have to interest the viewers enough so that they come back next week.

Since much of the first few episodes were re-filmed, it's likely that the quality of the show will pick-up after a few weeks once the set story lines come in and actors become comfortable with thier characters.

From what I've hear, Ch 7 has commissioned a 2nd season because they know the show gets better further into the season which is why they're screening these earlier episodes in the non-ratings period.

Usually when I decide to watch any new TV show, I give it 6 episodes to get into it otherwise you can often miss out on something really cool.


So why they haven't done the same thing with Last Man Standing which also got better further in the season but they still Cancelled it.


Because Channel 7 was stupid and cancelled 'Last Man Standing' before it got popular... By the time they realised people were enjoying it, they'd already released the cast and crew from their contracts, and it'd cost a heap to re-negotiate all those deals.

They jumped the gun in the case of 'Last Man Standing' so I think they're not gonna make the same mistake with 'Headland'.


This show is horrible. The acting's absolutely pathetic. Did someone say there'll be a second series? God I hope not. Is the rating's are bad enough though, they woudn't go through with it would they?

I can't believe how much they're advterising it too! And putting on extra screenings in the mornings and afternoons just in case you miss it and they want you to get ready for the next new episode. Do they think we're idiots or what?

I hope they get rid of this soon. I'm fed up with seeing the ads. Even from the ads, you can tell how bad the actings is.

"See what happens when you stand there like a space cadet?"- Kyo Sohma, Fruits Basket


I agree about how crap this show is, when it comes on I feel like I've just switched on to re-runs of E Street or some other 80s show, thats how bad the filming and quality is. The clothes, decor; everything just screams 80s! I hope it gets cancelled, and I just can't belive it's now on 4 nights a week!


It'll probably only last a week in that timeslot. I hope they replace it with something good.

"See what happens when you stand there like a space cadet?"- Kyo Sohma, Fruits Basket


If you're talking about it lasting only a week in that timeslot, you're wrong. It's lasted a few weeks in that timeslot. I have to agree about the pilot though, it was a bit shoddy.
There are it's good bits and it's bad bits on Headland.

Good bits;

-New faces and new talent (and I don't watch Blue Heelers or All Saints)
-Somewhat original storylines
-Original location (I know a lot of shows are filmed in Sydney, but how many Sydney shows are filmed by the beach? Also they keep the story locations to a minimum-hotel, uni, Grace's house, Glenda and Rob's house, prison and beach)
-It's Australian!

For a fact, some American soaps and dramas are unrealistic because they portray characters with lots of money, when most of them are typical people.
Australian soaps are more or less realistic because the characters aren't overly rich, they are a lot like you or me, except for the fact that they go through too much.

Bad Bits:

-Some storylines just drag on and on and on...
-Some of the filming is a bit ick.
-The theme song-it drives you nuts.
-Some of the characters are a bit yuck-particularly Adam and MJ, they are SOOO boring.



I've watched a couple of episodes. Truly awful in every way. The acting is laughably bad (Samuel Atwell, the one good actor with face value, hardly seems to be in it!) and the storylines are flat out boring. This is the reason why American and British shows dominate the networks, as they make competant TV (especially Britain).


Agree. Nuff said


we should start a petition to get this horrible show offf air.

but i doubt channel 7 will care, since they don't care because the shows aren't rated for the next month or two.


Gotta agree, it makes "Neighbours" look like Chekov!

"Only my genius"



As someone who lives in Wollongong, I take offence to that.

Wollongong is a beautiful city that has some wonderful scenic locations. Admittedly, it's quieter than Sydney, but it's hardly one of the dullest places on earth.

Personally, I don't see how your prejudice (that Wollongong is a dull place) relates to a FICTIONAL TV series that just happens to be filmed there, but I'm sure you've got some sort of kooky convoluted reason behind it.

Anyway, as for my opinion on this show... I think it started off slow, but has improved. Not the greatest thing on TV, but it's hardly the worst.


Well my son did a small scene in one episode.And that was filmed in balmain in Sydney.As far as I know it is filmed in Sydney.


I've also done a bit of work on it. The main filming locations are the Sydney College of the Arts, a TV studio in Balmain, and the Headland Hotel (yes, that's the real name of it) in Wollongong.


it's just taking up to much tv time that could show something better. And anything is better than this.



I totally agree this show is crap.
When it was first advertised on tv I got the impression it might be interesting.
I sat through the first episode and afterwards turned off it. Occasionally I watch parts of it when switching through channels.
The acting really isnt the best and whats with the camera?
Who ever said it looked like something from the 80s I totally agree.
I hope it gets pulled off air soon.


They need to cancel this now!!!The acting is awful,the sets are beyond cheap.It is awful.!!!!


If I want to hear "our own accents" I'll go and talk to one of my mates. If I want to watch quality programming, I do not care what accent the actors speak. If the Americans and to a lesser extent the British are going to keep making shows that blow any Australian content out of the water, I will happily watch them. I don't want to watch 2nd rate Australian garbage just because they have Aussie accents.


