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New Yorker Films has acquired U.S. rights to romantic comedy "The Treatment," directed by Oren Rudavsky and starring Chris Eigeman, Famke Janssen and Ian Holm.
Pic received the prize for best narrative in the Tribeca Film Festival's "Made in New York" competition this year. Janssen's work won an acting award at the Hamptons festival.

New Yorker plans to open the film in the spring at the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas in New York, followed by a platform release.

More than 20 international territories have been sold by Edward Noeltner's Cinema Management Group. Noeltner acquired international sales rights to the film after he saw it at Tribeca.

"The Treatment," based on Daniel Menaker's novel, was penned by Daniel Saul Housman and Rudavsky. It was produced by Jonathan Shoemaker with his company Centre Street and by Oren Rudavsky Prods.
