Alternate Ending (SPOILERS)

If anyone was wondering what the alternate ending was when you play as Anakin in the fight on Mustafar here it is:

When Obi-Wan jumps off the thing in the lava river he lands on the riverbank as usual. But then Anakin jumps over him and stabs Obi-Wan through the back and out the front from behind. Anakin then kicks him down the bank and walks away. At the top of the facility he is greeted by Emperor Palpatine who congradulates him on his victory and tells Anakin that there are no Jedi left to stop them and the galaxy is theirs. He also hands Anakin a new red lightsaber. Anakin takes the lightsaber, ignites it, and stabs Palpatine through the stomach and he collapses to the ground dead. The clone troopers are shocked and briefly hold their guns on Anakin. Anakin then says, "No, the galaxy belongs to me!".



Yeah, wouldn't that be cool?

I thought you would get Darth Sidious as a duelist, but what can he do? He can only run and use force lightning.
And maybe jump and do those stunts he did in the film while fighting Mace Windu.


Yeah, but they should make his force lightning stronger than ANYONE elses, and so he should have a lightsaber.


Hold on, what if the saber he gave to Anakin was HIS? In that case the only way the fight would work is if Anakin just tried to kill Palpy with his blue saber and they got into a fight near his ship. Palpatine also should have very powerful force lightning because it was apparently strong enough to scar his entire face PERMANENTLY. Like Palpy's could make your health go down faster than Anakin's force lightning. Also how should Palpy die?


If you just look at the lightsaber, it's the same design Anakin had before just red.But what's up with all these what ifs?
They're not going to remake the game.

Minnie Mouse: Do I, do-do I have to?
[pant crying]
Walt Disney: You wanna be a star, don't you? Then take it off!
[Minnie takes her dress off, then she sobs.]
Walt Disney: Yeah. Yeah, yeah that's nice.


Yeah but who says we can't dream? Also u are right about the saber. Palpy's was a completely different design if you look at it when he first whips it out in the movie.



I was hoping to get Yoda and Palpatine as duelist

Who the **** is R.A.B.


Yeah, I would rather have them than Serra Keto and Cyndrallic.

Homer: Marge it takes two to lie, one to lie and one to listen.


After playing "Battlefront II" on the PSP I think that They could remake the Episode III game because they had Palpatine, yoda, and a whole lot of better people.
Who the **** is R.A.B.
