How do you beat Dooku?

I can't beat Dooku.I can only get up to the part where we're in the room where the Chancellor is.Is there an easier way to beat him?Are there unlockable characters?


if you cant beat him play on a easier difficulty also if you had invested in some combat skills and force heal or try the back levels and earn full exp on those levels so you can invest in stuff, yes there are unlockable characters in versus they are the jedi bosses in the game. Also look at the combo list and see which does what for example ----> and strong attack is long ranged and a good rushing move.


saber throw is a good way to beat any of the 1 on 1 characters


In all the boss battles, keep your guard up..seriously. Wait for an opening and then attack. It's just like real fencing..if you're too aggressive you're gonna get pwned.

Be really careful at early levels, but later on after you achieve the status of Jedi Master and replay this level, he's a lot easier to beat. I played it today as Jedi Master level Anakin and it was pathetic how weak he was against me. He literally never got an ounce of my HP down.


yep saber throws or defend defend defend until there is an opening for an attack, usually when dooku finishes an attack u'll get the chance. i found another good way is force pull him towards you and while he's still in the air slash at him, and when the droids come out you can force push him into them, or them into him. really there are a lot of ways to beat him. and it's true once you get master status he is simple, i went back and fought him the other day and it took about a minute to beat him when the first time it took probably at least 5 minutes.

