Song Help

What is the song called when Mia and her friend were talking to Mia's Crush Jason in the hall, and that slutty girl came and pulled him away, whats it called and who is it by? Also in the scene after the next scence when Mia was checking out the modeling agency, their was a hip hop-pop song being played, who is it by and what is it called? Thanks in advance!!!!


I dont have an answer to your question, however, apparently the show is on again on april 8 at 8 pm mst. I am going to tape the end credits so i can go through them slowly and find the name and the artist who sings the song i am looking for. You may wish to do the same.


Beautiful By Garbage.
Here are the lyrics for ya:

If you want me to email it to you just Private message me.

White noise at maximum decibels,a powerful continuous hiss to drown out everything strange.


actually i think its beautiful by joydrop.... same song as the one used on the end credits for ginger snaps 2: unleashed


Well I checked it out and it seems there's a song by joydrop with that same title (and lyrics for that matter!). I'm not sure who the original artist is but I know the version played during the movie is by Garbage.

White noise at maximum decibels,a powerful continuous hiss to drown out everything strange.


I'm not sure who the original artist is but I know the version played during the movie is by Garbage.

The song in question was written by Joydrop's drummer Tony Rabalao. It's on the album Metasexual which was released in 1998.

It wasn't Garbage in the movie. In fact, Garbage, despite having an album called Beautiful Garbage (2001), have never recorded a song called Beautiful.

All internet claims (lyric sites and mp3 titles alike) otherwise are misinformation.

Don't believe me? Look it up on a real information site, such as the All-Music Guide.


Yes they have... I have it.

White noise at maximum decibels,a powerful continuous hiss to drown out everything strange.
