Kinda Odd

I think that it is extremely odd that neither the mother nor Mia checked out Malcolms or the modelling agency's credentials. They just took his word for it. Personally if someone handed me their card and wanted to me model or whatever I would check them out thoroughly and not just go to their business to see if it is on the up and up.


That is the reasonable thing to do, but to be fair to Mia, when the other girls started talking about what a blast they had working for Malcolm, it is easy to see why Mia neglected to check up on the agency. Furthermore, they really had no reason to be suspicious, seeing as Malcolm seemed so kind, and presented Mia was large cheques, and fake advertisements. Had there been little or no money recieved, and no work to show for it, you bet Mia would check things out.

Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live. -- The Ice Queen


From what I've been reading, I think Mia should hae set the limits and know what lines not to cross! If Malcolm told her to take her clothes off and pose nude in front of the camera, she should've just said "No!" and walk out! What's Malcolm going to do? is he going to sue an underage model for not posing nude? if he did, he'll get his grove busted!



She was just asked to do it, so Malcolm would remove her site in return. If she refused, he would just keep her site running, which was exactly what she DIDN'T want. And the guy at the WebWatchers or whatever told her to do it, and the police would show up in time before she took all her clothes off. She never REALLY agreed to it. Which is why she cried and ran off when the police didn't show up.

But still, how dumb are you, when you sit in front of a webcam and the guys in the chatroom is telling you to kiss the camera and and ask you to remove your blouse, and think those guys are professional talent scouts...? Posing and that stuff I can understand, but being sent sleazy emails and chatting to perverse men I DON'T understand. Would have thought the game was up at that point.

. Boo. .
