free download

Hey everyone! go to and download part 1 of secret smile now! part 2 should hopefully be up soon.


I have it all from 'Freeview' digital TV in non-squeezed[!] 16:9 widescreen from the ITV Premiere broadcast to Double Layer DVD via HDD neatly edited with no sponsor's plugs nor other commercials [but chaptered at each break] and no superfluous and redundant 'what-happened-last-time' recap; but why I went to all this effort for nothing when as I discovered:-

"In retrospect the biggest point of interest in this run of the mill psycho infiltrates a loving family and destroys them from within thriller was the casting of David Tennant which gave Doctor Who fans a preview of the new leading man in the Tardis a few weeks before his Christmas Day debut.
Admittedly Tennant was a suitably chilling as the nice boy on the surface and looney sociopath underneath but was let down mainly by the colourless, flat direction that ITV have become a master of in recent years (apart from the higher merit dramas directed by Adrian Shergold) and a script, adapted from Nicci French's best selling novel, which trod familiar ground and broke none new.

Most of the cast functioned well in their clichéd roles, but Claire Goose was woefully misused with a lifeless and drab apathetic character. The first episode established the premise in double quick time before the first ad break. Kate Ashfield played a successful architect, Miranda, who picks up the oddly named Brendan Block (no, not the DJ, that's Brandon), played by the gangly-limbed Tennant, and has a short ten-day fling with him before she dumps him for becoming too possessive, nosey and plain weird. In the blink of an eye he has hooked up with her neurotic younger sister (Claire Goose) and after only three weeks together, they become engaged.

Block is welcomed into the bosom of the two sister's family and very quickly engineers a determined onslaught against her until she is alienated from her friends and family resulting in the suicide of her manic depressive younger brother. A control freak he most certainly is. The second episode went further in to the realms of ridiculousness with Block dumping Miranda's sister and marrying and murdering
[her (Miranda's) best friend] for her money.

The first episode enjoyed very healthy ratings for a Monday night drama, with just over seven million viewers tuning in. This was probably largely due to lead actor David Tennant and curious viewers wanting to catch a glimpse of the tenth Timelord handled a villainous role.

There was something that echoed with a young Anthony Perkins (or even a young version of Talking Heads lead singer David Byrne) in Tennant's looks and performance that helped the viewer through the many plot holes and sadly predictable script. The production will perhaps best be remembered, not for its obligatory and predictable twist ending, but for helping to demonstrate Tennant's palette of characterisation, ability to imbue the flattest line of dialogue with intrigue and the relative ease that he is able to jump from moody and menacing to sweetness and light in just one scene (and for having a crack at being a baddie for a change). These are all attributes that will serve the actor well in what will hopefully be a long and successful voyage in the police box shaped time machine."

[I subsequently tried to over-write the disc forgetting that I'd stupidly wasted a DVD+R DL and not used a DVD-RW as I had meant to]

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Fantastic!!! Thank you muchly :D. I'm glad I've been able to watch this, but would love a copy I could keep! Does anyone know where I can bittorrent this or anything? I've been searching and noone seems to have uploaded it!!! Thanks again for sticking it on youtube though!

Truly, this is a great day for the Dominion


I was only kidding about trying to erase the DVD! Yes I realised the show's importance so I burnt another one as a back-up
and also put it back on my hard disk (I did delete the original Digital TV recording files but now it's all nicely chaptered at the
ad-break points and neatly edited (ads removed along with the superfluous what happens next/happened last episode trailers)
onto a single DVD. Funny, I also recoded it onto a single-layer disc, and on my small screen there is no loss of quality at all...

I agree with all you young ladies out there [though not for the same reason] that, yes, David Tennant was easily the best thing
in it and that he made the show!

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Where the freaking heck is the rest of it???
I wanna see my David!!!!! -drool-

David Tennant is all mine!


I have the whole thing on one disc, from the ITV Premiere broadcasts
(Widescreen from Freeview digital terrestrial TV). No commercials.
No "**** sponsors ITV Premieres" supermarket plugs. 'Cos I
edited 'em a' oot.

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Ooh, wow. I'd love a copy!!! XD
Yeah, I wish.

Do you know where I could see it online? YouTube only has a little bit...

David Tennant is all mine!


Picture of David (decent!) - as Brendan Block for your bedside table:[email protected]/brendan_picture.jpg

I thought the whole thing was on YouTube (albeit in ten-minute bits)
but I have it on a DVD. I'm not a 'fan' but he is a good actor and I had
to record the shows because for ten years he'd always been a goodie
and here he was (a real, unpretentious nice-guy in real-life apparently)
playing an out-and-out psycho just before he was to debut as The Doctor.
Please tell me you really wouldn't go out with a bloke like "Brendan Block"
even if he was a dead-ringer for David Tennant?

BTW Have you asked Mr Tennant if he belongs to you? Surely he has
some say in the matter? He might object, y'know - have you thought of that?

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I have no clue as to how many episodes make up the miniseries, but episode 1 is missing the first part, and episode two is missing several clips towards the end...

Oh, no. I'd never go out with a guy like that. If he really looked like David Tennant, I'd just snap a picture from a distance and leave. ^^

His performance as 'Barty Crouch Jr.' in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire seems like a watered-down version of the 'Brendan Block' character. Very watered down.

BTW Have you asked Mr Tennant if he belongs to you? Surely he has
some say in the matter? He might object, y'know - have you thought of that?

David Tennant is all mine!


How does one get it on DVD. I know you say that you have it. Ar eyou planning on putting it on ebay or something? or know where I can download? I don't mind having to edit myself. Just I want the full version. Not living in England kinda sux.

"All who wander are not lost." JRR Tolkien


Easy - simply by recording it off the telly (TV to our friends in the US) when it was
originally broadcast. And I've already edited it. Have you read the whole thread:- ?
I believe it answers all of your questions. Apart from the eBay one. My answer?
No, - I don't rip people off. Can you play Phase Alternating Line or only
Never Twice the Same Color[sic.]?

And not living in England is great - I live in Scotland!

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


Couldn't you sumbit it to youtube? Preddy please, lol. I'm desperate to see the ending.


I don't know how to. But I thought it was already on YouTubeydoobydoo...?
You mean it's all there - except the ending? Hmm, maybe I could perhaps
send to you just the final act ?

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I think you're a mean teasing pig.


No I'm worried about lots of infatuated Tennant-obsessive teenage girls [in the main] being ripped off after someone gets hold of my top copy of this and starts mass-producing discs and selling them at inflated prices here and on eBay. If you were mostly adults it wouldn't be half as bad. I've never sold or traded any collectables except genuine LPs legitimately at record fairs.

The last contributor said she had seen all but the ending on YouTube (which is missing apparently) and was desperate to see it. Now I can understand that, so I offered to send a disc with just the final act(s). Had she replied and said yes then I would have seriously considered sending her the whole thing - for nothing.

If you do not wish to apologise for your insulting comments then at least consider withdrawing them and I shall do likewise.

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I've signed the Secret Smile "release-it-on-DVD" petition (with an explanation) because your comments so disturbed me. If that makes you any happier.

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I'd love to sign the petition.

I'd like to be able to see what happens since I'm one of the people who has no access to it anywhere. YouTube doesn't have either the opening or ending for it, and seeing only part of it and then going crazy trying to find somewhere I can watch the ending really bites. It's not online anywhere, and I thought it was pretty good for a short movie. They don't sell it anywhere I can get to, and don't have any way to buy from Ebay either....

David Tennant is all mine!


Yes, it turns out that the person who submitted it to youtube, hasn't submitted the ending, because of sexual content.

But i'm dying to see it. ;] It would be great if you could send the ending.


From the courtroom scene OK? PM me?

"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I can confirm that these are indeed as described. First ten minutes
of episode one (warning: includes s*x scene; consensual although
she would later come to wish she had given it some thought and
got to know just a tincy, wincy wee bit about him first)
and the last ten minutes of episode two:-


"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


I'd love a copy too! I haven't seen it yet
