MovieChat Forums > Secret Smile (2005) Discussion > Brendan Block vs Kilgrave

Brendan Block vs Kilgrave

For those who have seen Secret Smile and Jessica Jones,it is hard not to draw parallels between Kilgrave and Brendan. The common thread being both are murdering stalking psychopaths.

Who was worse? I vote Brendan due to lack of superpowers. He still uses the power of suggestion (charming Miranda initially and then her sister and her whole family) which is far more frightening.

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I agree entirely, the two characters are very similiar and Tennant played them both scarily well.

Block was worse though, in a way part of me felt sorry for Kilgrave as I genuinely believe he thought in his mind that what he was doing was okay. I think he was lonely whereas Block was just a straight up legitimate sociopath.

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