Racist Movie

What a racist movie, only few minutes in and this movie is already demonizing the minority group with racial stereotypes. You have the african americans who are shown to be violent criminals, the South American sargent who seems to be corrupt and extremely insensitive, and John Heder a weak white guy who is the victim. Almost everyone non-white in the movie are portrayed to be the abuser. This is just perpetrating racial hatre and white supremacist belief.




Ummmmmm what?


i think you're just over reacting and im african american and that does sometimes happen


Haha, don't take that the wrong way :p If you are white and gonna be a badass it's just not that cool :p look at this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=XYoaqVbJoR8



What about all the white people that were betrayed as abusers. All the guy's heder worked with, Dr. P, sarah silverman, ect..

There were abusers across the board.

Face the fact that some african americans commit crime, and just because some are portrayed doing that in a movie does not make it racist.


Would you have liked the movie better if those guys were played by white people? Or maybe you would like to see him get mugged by someone obese, or someone in a wheelchair. Does it really make a difference? This movie made me laugh, and not because two black ( damn, african american im sorry )guys were portrayed as punks. You have to admit that the scene with his momma was hilarious! Now would a white mom be as cool? HMMMMMMMMMM MMM


While I do agree with your rant regarding the depiction of the two black dudes at the beginning of the film.. I gotta disagree with you on the rest becuase if you watch the film EVERYBODY in the film regardless of race, color, ethnicity was portrayed to be an abuser. The only people who were nice to him was his friend at the gym and the Australian chick.

