MovieChat Forums > Rescue Dawn (2007) Discussion > 7.5 stars, are you KIDDING?

7.5 stars, are you KIDDING?

I just don't know where to begin... I'm 39, educated, and I've watched more than my fair share of movies, and quite simply this was one of the worst movies which included an A-list actor that I've ever seen. Literally EVERYTHING about this movie stunk. The script was atrocious, the acting was nauseating, the directing... non-existent, and the flight scenes/special effects were on par with movies made 30-40 years ago. Did I mention that the script and the acting were really, really bad? The saddest thing is that this is based on a true story and a documentary, and to say that it doesn't do it justice would be the understatement of the year.

Very few movies rate at or above 7.5 stars (the current rating for this movie on IMDB), and it's beyond my comprehension how this movie could POSSIBLY be included in that small percentage. Furthermore, it rates 3 out of 4 stars on my Time Warner cable guide, which once again is generally reserved only for movies of a very high caliber. I don't know who the heck was paid off to give this movie good ratings, but something's definitely rotten in Denmark. Two of the best modern era Vietnam war movies ever, Apocalypse Now and Platoon, ranked only slightly higher than this joke, at 8.6 and 8.2 respectively as of the time this review was written. Who can tell me with a straight face that this movie was 90-95% as good as either of those two movies?!

Bale must have been under the impression that this was a comedy or something, or maybe he just couldn't take the script seriously, because he sure as heck came across more as comedic than dramatic in this role, as did most of the other characters. It's sad to think this was the culmination of roughly 20 years worth of acting experience since he made Empire of the Sun.

I could rant and rave and pick apart countless scenes in this flick, but suffice to say that anybody who's reading this review and hasn't yet seen the movie, would be better served by skipping it and watching something else. This movie is a complete and utter waste of time, watch the documentary instead.


The rating is simply based on popular opinion, most users who saw it loved it, that's why they rate it highly.

The fact that you disagree doesn't mean the film's rating should be lower, your opinion is one of many.


Not to mention that some explaining would definitely explain to us what you think was so bad.

Kill the trolls!!!


Why is there always someone in the forums of this site stating, "7.5 stars, ARE YOU KIDDING!?" Do you not understand that the rating on this site is the mean rating that 35,520 people gave it. It's not one guy saying this is a great movie. Its 35,520 saying that this is a great movie and and I'm sure not every person gave this movie a great score, yourself for example. It seems like you're taking this rating as a direct insult to yourself which is absurd, you will just have to accept the fact that there are people who like this movie, whether you like it or not.


I loved this movie as well as Apocalypse Now and Platoon. You have a valid opinion especially if you want to SUPPORT it with anything from the movie.

By the way, I'll emphasize the word OPINION... not fact. There is no way to use facts when its a subjective review.

And one more thing, most people tend to love some of the most average stuff in this world. I guess it goes with the saying, "what's one man's gold is another man's garbage." Or something like that.

Good day. :)


You are right. The movie has horrible acting, script a dialogs. Worst than most of the B movies.


I was put off by uncritical, even obscene, focus on American nobility, heroism and militarism and manichaean struggles of good against evil. Watching this film, one could easily forget about the foreign brutalization of a region that was just emerging from the dark shadows of French colonialism. What is the purpose of that? When will the West begin to pay cinematic tribute to the heroic struggle of the Vietnamese and other Southeast Asian peoples for national self-determination?


Wagmore- I totally disagree. Firstly, This film is directed by Werner Herzog. If you think that he is in any way pro-America you are very much mistaken. You may have missed this, but the film also focusses on the beauty of the landscape (the wonders of the plantlife for example) and the ingenuity of the Vietnamese people (when they make the fire). The American's captors are also not your typical Vietnamese monsters a-la The Deer Hunter; they have personalities and can be kind. They are products of their surroundings and are, s you stated, reacting to the brutal war taking place in their country.

I like the film and it's naturalistic, humanised plot.


Great post. Couldn't have said it better.


Why, why WHY did you have to state your age and that you're "educated"? Tell us you didn't like it - and preferably why - and just move on. There is no need to try and validate yourself. Regardless of how well you "know movies" your opinion is just an opinion to us. You're entitled to one, but don't make it out to be something more. It's pointless and silly.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


Are YOU kidding? I'm a huge fan of both Platoon AND Apocalypse Now, and NO, Rescue Dawn is not either of those. But it is a pretty intense portrayal of an very intense time, and Christian Bale was spot-on, as usual. As for the direction, I thought it was pretty damn good, Herzog nailed the look, at least. And since you're so educated, I'm sure you realized that Herzog also directed the documentary. You also must have noticed that one was non-fiction, and one was fiction.

I really do have love to give, I just don't know where to put it


I agree with most of what everyone is saying, Werner Herzog is a great director (usually), Christian Bale is a better actor than this movie portrays, the flight scene was absolutely laughable, but what everyone has failed to mention was the worst part of the entire movie, the ending. Is this a sequel to Top Gun or something? The only thing that was missing was his wingman. Do they not consult military people when making these movies? I served in the military and I know for a fact that they would not find kidnapping a pilot while he's under a top secret investigation to be very funny at all. Aside from the ending, I felt the movie was entertaining and good work by Steve Zahn, but a little higher ranked than it deserves. Oh, and also saying your educated doesn't really matter, in my opinion the smartest people are those who lack education.
