Did you cry?

When Christian was rescued (finally) by the choppers?

I'm not ashamed to admit I did. Mind you, I'm a female, so I guess most of you guys didn't.




Just a little bit, and I'm a guy who doesn't usually get affected by these things. ;)

I actually thought they should have ended the movie right there, cut out all of the hospital/ship scenes. If you watch the deleted scenes on the DVD you'll see that they cut out a decent chunk of story building scenes (even one event that the real Dieter said haunted him for the rest of his life) because of time issues. So in my opinion they should have left some of the earlier deleted scenes in and cut the ending.


Yeah i did, the scene where hes in the chopper after been rescued in total disbelief at his situation, and the guy hands him a candy bar.. i just became overwhelmed by the human spirit, to go through hell and see some of the worst acts of cruelty imaginable only to then be shown pure compassion from his friends by the simple act of handing him some food and patting him on the back.

It should of ended there in my opinion, that was the emotional peak of the movie.. the later scenes seemed to detract from it, and it seemed like they tried to re-create it by been lifted above by hundreds of people.


Definitely agree with this. The whole movie up to the helicopter scene is perfect. After that, the film becomes overwrought and a little cliché.

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.


I almost did but then I was overtaken with more of a triumphant feeling, but that was a powerful scene in a powerful movie.


Sorry, but no. Real men don't cry. I was also in the military and this was a poorly made film. 4/10 is the best I can give it.

Example of senility.http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2779/paintx.png
