This was BAAAAD.

I thought this was going to be a movie about a man who uses the power of his mind to overcome the treachery of the jungle. Instead, we get a story about a guy who was simply lucky. A plane spots him in the jungle, just before he starves to death, and that's the end of the story?

Oh, and I didn't know the NVA offered 5-star accommodation for its POWs. They did everything, save for carrying Bale's bags to his room. Uhhh...where was the torture?

"We're going to make a raft," says Bale. Next scene? Two guys floating down the river in a raft. Ummmm...and just how did they manage to do that? And if they could make such a raft, why did they have such a hard time managing to find food? Surely they could have made some type of net/trap for catching fish near the river. Instead, they nearly starve to death. Get real. 6/10.


"A guy who was simply lucky."

I read a lot of posts on imdb but rarely contribute but I have to say bravo you have convinced me. If he is a lucky man in your eyes I'd like to see an unlucky one buddy. You didn't mention all the times he wasn't rescued, or the amount of times he was spotted but not saved.

"They did everything, save for carrying Bale's bags to his room."

Are you for real? Have you ever in your life come close to a situation like that? There lives were horrible, Im fathomed to imagine much worse. This is based on real events albeit fairly loosely but still. I recommend you watch the movie again facing the right way this time.

"We're going to make a raft,"

So if there was an extended version of this film with ALL itty bitty bits put in such as a deep and thorough explanation of every meal obtained or an explanation for lack of meal to be discussed throughout the movie also extensive raft-making scenes would you be happy then? Because maybe werner is reading this and respects your opinion of enough to give a flying duck

Everyone has a right to there own opinion, especially me.



I agree, voxproxy, I expected better. Very little substance to this story. If they could build a raft they could build a shelter. If Dieter can eat worms/bugs, then no reason to go hungry.

Torture: hung upside down with bug next on face. Stood in water up to neck. Starvation diet. handcuffed at night, leg log at night. That's it.

No regular beatings, torture or forced labor. Wandering around in the jungle. Never shows them eating anything until the snake.

Made fire once, but not intelligent enough to use materials to spell out HELP or something common to all stranded persons. LOL, yelling at aircraft, lol.

I half expected Dieter to learn to survive in the jungle for a while at least. His eventual rescue was just luck. No one even knew he was still alive. Even the military quits looking after a few weeks.

But if its all true, then its true. But I doubt it.


If he can eat bugs, worms there's no reason to starve? How many damn bugs do you think it takes to live off of? You can't eat them like candy. There are some bugs that are not edible or provide little in the way of calories. Please try to live off bugs\worms for, say, a month, and let us know how you do.
