eating magoot scene.

Did bale really eat maggots? If so how much do you think he got payed for it?


i think he probably did. they were real worms apparently and bale seems the kind of guy to do such a thing for a role, he's well known for his method acting, losing a ton of weight for roles etc.
besides, they're just worms, when you get past that it's not really any more disgusting than eating a lump of cow flesh, they're actually pretty good for you, pure protein. i very mch doubt if he got paid extra for it, like i said, just some worms.

"this is not nam dude, this is bowling, there are rules."


A maggot is the larva of a fly (order Diptera); it is applied in particular to the larvae of Brachyceran flies, such as houseflies, cheese flies, and blowflies,[1] rather than larvae of the Nematocera, such as mosquitoes and Crane flies. It is not a worm.


yeah that's all well and good, but they were clearly not maggots, they were mealworms. basically the same thing i'll admit, except they're the larva of a beetle not a fly.

they're called called mealworms and so i'll refer to them as such.

"this is not nam dude, this is bowling, there are rules."



I don't doubt Bale's commitment, but a lot of productions actually have guys on set to make sure no harm is done to animals (yes, including bugs).

FYC: Keanu Reeves
