MovieChat Forums > Rescue Dawn (2007) Discussion > 1000 Things you learned from Rescue Dawn

1000 Things you learned from Rescue Dawn

Hey guys, saw these threads on other movie boards, think this is a great thing to start here. Ill start off:

1) If you crash your plane and it explodes, but you jump out last second, you will not only survive but come out without any scratches or injuries

2) Its ok to drink water from a pond in Vietnam if its hot and your thirsty

3) You can make a knife out of a bullet


I liked this movie, but these games are to fun to pass on

4) The little boy in "Empire of the Sun" took anti-aging pills, so that he's still a young man in the Vietnam War.

5) The Viet Cong can't find *beep* in the jungle.

6) If two people escape a prison and are on the run, guaranteed that one of them will die.


(7) The 'FBI' runs the show, even on covert Military Ops, outside of the United States. All the black Ops within the military or the CIA (formerly OSS) don't exist.

(8) You scream loudly enough and wave a machete around, a much superior number of angry villagers with their own weapons will run away.

(9) If you're a Skyraider Pilot, be sure to wear helicopter pilot helmets with NO Visor assemblies. After all, why protect your eyes? You're a pilot after all.

(10) Correction:!! The PATHET LAO can't find *beep* in the jungle. ;)

(11) Even though it's the early sixties, the only people we have to debrief pilots on classified missions are .... the Men in Black!

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


12) if you see an helicopter that might rescue you, don't light a fire they will shoot you

13) when you're finally rescued, the viets will come out of the jungle and try to kill you

14) don't open one's bag if he spent several weeks in the jungle, there will be a snake in there

15) it's normal to assume that a prisonner knows the exact coordonnates of his prison, even if it's in the middle of the freakin jungle


16)Make sure to hide white rice anywhere

17)Always smile to a female soldier

18)Never ditch the guns even if their a hassle to carry them because you never know when you're in danger


19. You should smile like an idiot even though you are captured by the enemy.

20. Even though the only English word your captors ever said is "Americani." You should still scream at him in English and complain when no one understands you.

21. The best special effects they can afford in this movie is a model air plane dropping bombs.

22. When soldiers are captures, instead of stating their rank and serial number, they should chitchat with your captors and tell their captors how they never wanted to go to war.

23. By the way, if all you want to do is fly and you never wanted to go to war, you should join the military because everyone knows all you do in the military is fly planes and you never have to go to war.


24. You must empty what is full.

25. Fill what is empty.

26. Scratch what is itchy.


27. When you go to drink from a water hole, take a dump just in case you're captured moments later and then inconveniently poo your pants.

28. If you claim to be German and not able to speak English don't say it with an obvious American accent.

29. During the Vietnam conflict Charles Manson actually flew missions for Air America into Laos and became a captured POW.

30. The best way to heal sores is let a dog lick them.

31. It is entirely possible to be in love with a nail and you should tell everyone individually how much you really love it.



32. When plotting your escape for months dont even bother learning any local lingo

33. havin a wasp nest tied to your head is Torture, whereas back home 100+ waterboarding sessions is just known as Enhancement

34. on escape always take the fellow white guy as partner, not the asian with local knowlege

35. You might illegally invade and bomb families in a neutral country like a War Criminal, but escape and you are a Hero

36. German stock make the best knife and lock-makers

37. If Herzog makes an intense slow burner , without a lot of "war action scenes" then idiots will post that its a "boring" movie


30. The best way to heal sores is let a dog lick them.

actually I have seen that one works on the dog on itself.
Watch this space on that one.


31. Facial hair on star character will grow at a reduced rate according to movie time.

32. The shorter the enemy guard is the friendlier he will be.

33. Camp guards are stupid


I found a few more...

38. The quick have their sleepwalkers, and so do the dead (whatever that means)

39. Don't ever call anyone named Eugene "Gene" (but then always call him Gene)

40. If you try to escape in a tropical jungle there will allegedly be no water
(then ironically a flash flood washes away your meager rice rations)

41. Pathet Lao and Viet Cong soldiers also randomly speak Thai and Khmer

42. Pissy weak Budweiser is arguably better than cool dark Bavarian beer

43. The best day to escape a POW prison camp is on the 4th of July

44. One out of six POW prisoners always craps his pants at night

45. A dog walking on it's hind legs is sometimes as good as it gets

46. CIA agents are easily fooled by a surprise Birthday cake
