Sisto in Population 436

I bought the movie yasterday and watched it last night. Not bad but the only thing I have to say is that Jeremy Sisto is a very very BAD actor!!! He has nothing to do with acting. He doesn't talk much and if he talks his voice is so bad and his way of move and the way he reacts to things are very normal. I think that He must go back to sell Subway again. He is not a good actor! I regret that I bought this movie. Have I known about him I would have never looked into buying anything he is in!


envy thats all sisto is a great actor!!!! so i disagree


Hey he played Jesus
See some stars here


Are you insane??!! Jeremy Sisto is one of the best actors of all time!! He is so good even when the movies are not, which is a lot of the time these days! And his voice is one of the sexiest voices ever!


i couldn't agree more. he was super sexy in this movie, and his deep voice is soooo hot.


I think he's a pretty average actor, but I really hated him in the scene where he's talking to Courtney about his dead wife and daughter. THAT was bad acting. He also had this weird little half smirk on his face that I thought was totally inappropriate for the subject matter (maybe it was meant to be a nervous smile). I kinda lost any attachment to his character after that scene, and even hated him after he screwed Courtney in the barn (I so woulda shot him if I were Bobby).


You're right, average actor. He suited the part mostly.

But for me, the only scene I felt his acting seemed off (totally unconvincing actually) is when that old man pulled a rifle on him at the bar. Sisto's character is a Census Taker from Chicago who has never handled a gun before. Other than possibly being tanked off two shots of whiskey, I just didn't buy his cool demeanor at having a loaded rifle aimed at him by some crazy guy. Unless you're someone like Bruce Willis or Samuel Jackson, you'd probably have to change your underpants after that confrontation.

-"But you know what's on my mind right now? It AIN'T the coffee in my kitchen..."
