MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2008) Discussion > Why was the moorwen on board of the spac...

Why was the moorwen on board of the spaceship?


just watched this movie on DVD. maybe I missed something, but I dont understand one premise of the story: why was the moorwen on board of the spaceship?
we see how Kainans race conquered their planet and killed all the moorwen. later the narration says, that one moorwen survived and killed Kainans family. but why was it on the spaceship and how did it get there unnoticed? In the end we see a sarcophagus underwater with Kainans wife (so the spaceship did transport their dead bodies?). but what about the moorwen? was it captured and transported alive as the last of its species? I dont get it....



Kainan's people thought they had eradicated all the Moorwen. It came time for him to go on to some other job, he left his family behind after reassuring them that the automatic guns were in place and they would be safe.

He returned to his new home to find that the entire compound was destroyed and everyone dead. While loading the bodies on the ship, the creature, which seems to have some degree of intelligence, stowed away - which makes sense, since there isn't anything else to eat on the barren planet and as we all know, humans are tasty.


It sneaked on board disguised as a crew member... Private Jeff, the ugly one.

"Well I didn't expect a kind-of Spanish Inquisition!" - Monty Python




And here I thought it was Ensign Red-Shirt with his new pet that was responsible


Maybe it was a star attraction for a spaceman zoo and was being moved to its new exhibit when the ship crash landed.


I think it was implying that the Moorwen had a far greater intelligence and thus a sense of revenge + cuning that they did not expect.


Good point... kinda reminds me of "how did the Alien get on board" at the end of Aliens and the beginning of Alien3.

"...and Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lotta ice, whenever he's away."


How and why it got on board unnoticed are kind of stupid questions imo. For one it seemed very stealthy so that it might have sneaked on board during the night leading up to the ships launch doesn't seem too far fetched to me. Also as someone already said it seemed (to me at least) more intelligent than you might think at first glance so that it might sneak on board out of a wish for revenge isn't totally crazy either. Barring that it could (as someone also already said) just be that the humans on the ship were more or less the only remaining food source nearby (or quite possibly on the planet). This is just speculation off course though since we don't get to know the exact reasons in the movie.

Self-proclaimed "Computer-SciFi-Fantasy-UselessFacts"-Nerd.


That's not why it's a stupid question. It's a stupid question because it was obviously on board because it was being transported. You can't be transported if you're not on board.
