MovieChat Forums > Need for Speed: Most Wanted Discussion > Those Hilariously Bad Cut Scenes!

Those Hilariously Bad Cut Scenes!

This game will be regarded as a cult classic, but not because of the mediocre gameplay or the intelligent cops or traditional EA no-brainer soundtrack - It will definetly be remembered for it's appalling laugh-out-loud 'actors' trying to taunt you to compete.

With the exception of Josie Maran who is captivating throughout IMO.


don't the cutscenes remind you of the good ole days with the sega cd? actually the sega cd cutscenes at least had better visuals.

What kind of killer stops to save a dying fish?


yes bring back the cutscenes


"First I'm gonna take your ride then I'm gonna take yor girl. Get ready for that."

"Im gonna rider her like you never could."
"Hard and flat-out."

Man, those are classic.


the graphics are amazing in this game and the cutscenes arent that bad


Yeah, I agree. This poster is obviously a hater who feels it easier to criticize then to do. What do you really expect in a video game? Oscar winning writing? Get a job.


Uh, actually there are a LOT of games with good storytelling. While I love this game, this isn't one of them.


"While I love this game, this isn't one of them."

ill pretend like i understood what the hell you just said.


Well if you only look at my second sentance and ignore the first, I can see the confusion. Don't worry though, I'll help ya out.

The previous poster was saying that we shouldn't expect top-notch storytelling for this game. My response was that there's no reason not to, since games are consistently coming out with good, well-thought out storylines using good voice actors and have been for awhile now. And since mankind has known how to write good stories and good voice talent is out there, no one, especially the large Electronic Arts corporation, which is ONLY one of the biggest brand names for video games out there and has been for years, has any excuses. They have the money to hire talent so anything less than the best is inexcusable.

And while I do like NFSMW, this game's story sucks. Were it a movie it'd be straight to video for this one.



Please, for your own good, try Grand Turismo 4 or Project Gotham Racing 3.

It's to the racing game genere what Commando is to the action film genere. Over the top awesomeness. I just with the customization levels were on par with the previous two games.


Street racers are the only racing games I play. I'm not really even a fan of sports titles, and straight up racing sims bore me. One of the first games I stopped playing because of boredom and frustration without finishing it was such a racing game on the SNES. Going round and round and round in a constant oval making left turns all the time gets a little boring after awhile.

I've played PGR3 and it's okay, but if you make one little mistake suddenly you go from first place to last with no chance of ever making that 0.5 seconds you lost up. Having to run every single race absolutely perfect with no errors whatsoever gets old after about the 300th time.


I think the game is great, but I was never a big fan at the characters talking right too you. It's very Sega CD, even Saturn... and for some reason it reminds me of Mad Dog McGee in the cutscenes. I don't know why.

Still a great game though.

Pin Me, Pay Me: IMDb Job Squad


No matter what anyone says, they would have been better off rendering all the characters, instead of blue screening everyone in. And yes, the acting is terrible. The only part I like in the game is the chases, but they get stale after a while.

Kill the trolls!!!



I thought that the actor's goading taunts fit with the over the top action in the game.

I've played the demo for Project Gothem and watched a friend play Forza but NFSMW had the thrill of the chase and evade.

As far as I can tell, not too many other racing games have jumps and pursuit breakers or an interactive map where your drive to the race events.

I have NFS Carbon and Prostreet and they are different but I prefer NFSMW.

It was fun to piss off officer Cross. :)


anyone remeber Area 51 and Wing Commander ;)


"anyone remember Area 51 and Wing Commander?"

Ha ha, Stay low


they were definately bad cut scenes but i never found them funny at all like people claimed they were. unless you mean they are so bad they are funny, because they are very poorly acted


Yeah, I think he means "bad" funny because I feel the same way. There is no way those scenes can be taken seriously. lol I don't think it takes away from the game. Need for Speed in general is like a great B-movie IMO. I bought it strictly as a hold over for Forza 2. Well, Forza 2 has been out for some time now and I still don't have it. lol Two totally different gaming experiences though.

They move, Mr. Hughes! Clouds move! That's what they do! They move!.


Razor: What did i tell you?
Ronnie: Razor, he shadowed me. i couldn't..
Razor: shut up!

Ronnie: yeah, this here is the no. 15 guy on the blacklist! you gotta lotta rep to earn before you get to run wit' him!
Mia: thanks for the update.

Mia: why dont we make it....10 grand?
Razor: oh, oh, you wanna amp this up? lets do it right. (calls the cops) yeah, gimme the police. we got a couple a guys about to street race, you'd better send the cops right away...maybe an ambulance too. (everyone starts laughing)

Razor: it ain't over till i say it's over!
(Mia takes razor down, shows she's a cop. immediately, everyone freezes up, when at that point, they would've pulled their guns and shot her point blank if it wern't for the "E" rating EA was trying for.)

Cross: I want every unit after the guy.
Sexy secretary: Everyone?
cross: EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it sure was a trip back to the days of Red alert, dune, and Star wars: Rebel assault.

Reading this signature means i've had you under my control.
