Surprising 'low-grade' cars

The first time i played this game, i targeted the hi-performance cars, like most everyone else, to win against all. But now i started a second career, just for the heck of it. It happened that i've kicked the @$$ of every BL guy up to Kamikaze with my Golf GTi! It's my best car up to now, even if it haves a bit less top speed and acceleration than my 2 other cars, the Renault Clio and the Elise. My Golf has perfect handling, nice constant and powerful acceleration, and can reach 300km/h in 8-910 sec. in straight line, without NOS.

Anyone experienced the same situation as me?



You're right! The Golf GTI and the Fiat are both very good rides, despite their low top speeds.



Yeah, I had no problem defeating the first two blacklist rivals along with the preceding races with just the Punto with nitro added.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


The Golf GTI was my brother's fav non exotic. He was brave enough to just drive the open world to the next race event when he already had a fairly steep reputation on the black list. He used it almost always for the tollbooth and circuit challenges.

I preferred the Chevy Cobalt and Mistubishi Lancer when building bounty and single chase police cruiser tags in Rockport. I would run loops around the highways and then exit out to the underground by the stadium to shake the heli-pursuit

Lots of fun.
