That boss fight.

Before I played this series, if I wanted to talk boss fights with someone, I'd talk God of War. Now I talk MGS, and that final boss fight with Liquid Ocelot was the definition of epic, so cool that they completely removed all the controls and gave you new ones, no pause button or anything, just fight!


Yea Man.. Even Though God Of War Has Very Good Boss Battles MSG4 Liquid Ocelot Battle Was Good... You Can Tell Thats Where They Spent Most Of Thier Effort.. But I Also Like The Raven, And The Wolf Battles As Well..

I Live The Life You Dream About.


Oh yeah all where great by MGS standards, really liked Vamp/suicide geckos fight too.


YES YES YES!!! The final fight with Liquid Ocelot was AMAZING!!! Very very cinematic and climactic!!! I really loved how Kojima did it. Definitely not the usual "final boss" fight you see in video games, but I wouldn't have had it any other way ;)!

I also loooved how they "went through the history of the MSG series" with the changing music and names ;). Sooooo cool and artfully done. Man, I can just talk MGS all day, LOL!

PS: I've never played any of the God of War games.


It was done with so much care, first we get to watch an awesome fight in the cutscene, loved the part where they both inject each other with the syringes!



Boss fights are always amazing in the series. I love how every game, all the boss fights get more advanced, more epic, and more difficult. Liquid Ocelot boss fight in MGS 4 was amazing, even the Rex vs Ray battle was sooo much fun.



The final Liquid fight is the greatest fight in any game ever. So much emotional power, great new controls, total drama. Loved every second of it.


Agreed it was effing awesome!!! my fave boss fight of the game

In Southeast Asia we'd call this kind of thing bad karma.

