MovieChat Forums > Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006) Discussion > His real name is Dan Whitney and he's no...

His real name is Dan Whitney and he's not southern.

I've seen rare footage of the real guy behind the 'Larry the Cable Guy' character. He's a dude named Dan Whitney who spent his childhood in Nebraska and West Palm Beach Florida. He had a middle-class upbringing and his dad was actually principal of an elementary school in Florida. He doesn't have a southern accent and none of his 'cable guy' mannerisms are true to his own character.

You WILL respect my AUTHORITAAAAH !!!!


Thanks Captain Obvious. Most of us are aware of that...

...especially when you look at his mini-bio on the IMDB page.


He also wears a hat with a Nebraska insignia through most of the movie.


Call the cops!

'Ever heard of Andrew Dice Clay? He wasn't "real" either!


It isn't a southern accent it is Appalachian. Big difference both in speech patterns and culture.


And what proof do you have? I'm from Kentucky--I should know. Mr. Expert on All Things Linguistics.



He has never tried to hide the fact that Larry The Cable Guy is a character he plays, so your big revalation is a story that he himself has told many times in interviews. The accent is what I would call "universal redneck", not tied to any state in particular.


Soooo....William Shatner isn't a starship captain OR a cop in a fictional southern California city? Daniel Craig isn't a globetrotting secret agent, authorized to kill, with an expense account bigger than the GDP of Malyasia? I'm shocked and actor acting. Who knew.



> It isn't a southern accent it is Appalachian. Big difference both in speech patterns and culture.

I can assure you that plenty of people talk like Larry in Mississippi and Alabama. I'm not sure what you'd consider a Southern accent... dropping Rs like Scarlett O'Hara? I know a few people who talk that way, but most (poor white) people in the deep south seem pretty close to Larry. (Mr. Whitney?)


Oh wow, shocker. *Yawns*


I think we can all agree that it doesn't matter who he is or where he's from...he's a massive douche who should be castrated with an empty whiskey bottle and left to die, friendless and alone.


I agree.

I just find it insulting to southern culture and people. Oddly, those seem to be his biggest fans.

I've been all over the south, and in 212 cities in 39 states. I've NEVER heard an accent like that. I know it's a character, and that's the point.... I just can't believe people can listen to it and not want to kick his monkey ass.

He's degrading to women, racist, and does the cheapest form of comedy there is.

Listen to XM comedy, hear some talented comics... then listen to this douche and tell me you still think he's not a hack.




Most of the well known comedians either are southern or pretend to be southern.


I have not been this shocked since I found out that Rodney Dangerfield actually did get some respect, he just never mentioned it on stage.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Soooooooooooo, when did Florida stop being in the south???

If you love Cheezits 100% copy this and make it your signature.


North Florida is the south and south Florida is the north. Has been that way for a long time...


Really you mean to say Larry The cable guy isn't his birth name! I am shocked all this time I thought it was.
