MovieChat Forums > The Insatiable Discussion > Coming out on SciFi channel...

Coming out on SciFi channel...

of course. It will be showing on March 29th. I hope it is as good as some of the posters here think. I've been very disappointed with SciFi channel stuff lately.


Thanks for the info, have marked my calendar!!

I am really going to miss you Sir.


How can you be disappointed with the Sci-Fi lately? They've been bringing out a lot of good movies! I should expect the same for this movie.



This has to be sarcasm.

You almost had me.


I'm Watching "The Insatiable" Right Now On Sci-Fi. I Have Been A Fan Of Sean Patrick Flanery Since Seeing Him In "The Boondock Saints". (A 'Must See', If You Haven't Seen It Yet!) I Can Tell Already That I Will Have To Rent "The Insatiable". Sci-Fi Has Edited Much Of The Language, And Gore Content.


Why are you capitalizing every word? :)

Though it is dark . . . know your flag . . . is still there.


Sorry About The Cap's,... It's The Last Quarter Moon, And I Haven't Fed Yet. (Hee Hee!)

No, Truthfully, I'm Retired Military. It's A Bad Habit I Picked Up. I Have A Few Friends Over-Seas That I E-Mail On A Regular Basis,... Learning English. Something About Knowing Where One Word Ends, And The Other Begins. (Maybe Reading Left To Right, Instead Of What They Are Used To,... Right To Left?),... Or Maybe They Are Just Pulling My Leg!?! Ha Ha!


lol! I thought maybe you were under Tatiana's spell. :)

Though it is dark . . . know your flag . . . is still there.


P.S. Did you like the arm?

Though it is dark . . . know your flag . . . is still there.


Yeah, That Was Wild!,... But I Imagine That Sci-Fi Cut Some Of It For Gore Content. I Think I Will Buy It On DVD, To See The Whole Movie Un-Edited!


I just watched it, and I have to admit it's the best movie Sci Fi has on in a while. Granted that isn't saying a lot necessarily, but this was an amusing black comedy about a regular guy who inacvertantly becomes involved with a vampire and the depths of depravity he is driven to I found it refreshing.


OK I have to admit that 'Insatiable' was not as bad as I thought it would be. I really loved Sean Patrick Flannery in Boondock Saints so was hoping this would have some of his humor. I did chuckle a few times and liked Michael Beihn's (spelling?) charachter. Seeing it uncut would probably make it better.
