MovieChat Forums > The Insatiable Discussion > Please explain Strickland's history

Please explain Strickland's history

Michael Biehn's character, Strickland, what was his story? He was in the army and what exactly happened? I know it involved a vampire who put him in a wheel chair and killed his entire squadron but I want to know the full story, so please guys if you can be kind enough to type the whole of it on here will be appreciated.



director2000, did you actually get to watch The Insatiable, or are you asking
before you decide to watch the film?

If I can go a little while without getting shot or stabbed I'll be all right.


I have seen the film but I missed that part of the film, I know he was in the military and he set up the website to help recruit hunters, etc and I know it was cos of a vampire he was in a wheel chair but what is the whole story? please let me know.



VIETNAM: 1972 Plei Mei

Platoon ambushed by pair of vamps. Male and concubine. Flame thrower used to kill male, female destroys remaining survivors. Breaks Strickland's back. He plays dead, vamps finally killed with napalm.

Thats the gist without all the tears.

Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times.


Thanks very much, it is a deep story!
