favorite lines?

Woody - Billy, I have to poo.


Woody: You're hurting my bike.
Billy: I'm not hurting your bike. I can't hurt a person's bike.
Woody: Well, you're shaking it and it's hurting my dilly dink.
Billy: Don't say stuff like that.
Woody: My dilly dink is my penis.


Erika:You wish like this, I wish I had pony that I could ride, ride, ride.
(drops stone into lake)
Erika:It,s your turn.
Woody:I wish my brother was dead, dead, dead.
(drops stone into lake)
(Erika stares at Woody)

I can,t see my forehead, what,s your problem?


Billy - "What kind of cake is it?"
Dad - "Chocolate covered stale cake."


Techno - "She's this old lady that sells worms to people."
Adam - "Yeah, I heard that the worms are as big as people's arms."
Techno - "Don't tell him that!!"
Adam - "..... I meant a cats arm."

