larry david?

it says he makes a cameo, anyone know where he is?



I just now saw Larry David's cameo. With about 9 minutes to go in the movie, after it is revealed that this is a hoax and Clifford is watching TV having his imaginary conversation with the imaginary CIA guy (George), you then see Cliff and Dick walking out of a court building with a swarm of people, Cliff wearing a fur-lapel coat. Then Cliff gets in the car. After he is in the back seat, there is a shot of the car door from the inside of the car towards the outside, while 'You Can't Always Get What you Want' by the Stones, is playing, the man in the light suit with a hat and sunglasses who helps Cliff into the car and closes the door, is DEFINITELY Larry David, no question. --- The movie is on Netflix, you can stream it. Excellent movie, I highly recommend it, not only to verify the Larry David sighting, but as a great movie.
