Was this a flop?

Surely it was in America with a gross between 20-26 Million, but how about Worldwide?


It didn't even break 1M in the foreign market. Huge flop, opened on easter weekend didn't help it either. Lots of people didn't realize that it had two movies in it and left after the first feature. In foreign countries it was split into separate movies because lots of other countries didn't get the whole grindhouse double feature aspect. But i loved it and I've seen it opening weekend.


It's tough for people who don't understand it because it's two movies.

But then again, it wasn't really made to make money, it was made for the filmmakers to have fun. And they did. It wasn't made for money. They filmmakers were already making bank at this point.



it's actually a triple feature:

1) Planet Terror - Horror

2) "Thunderbolt" also known as "Death Proof" - Slasher,
3) " "High octane car chase

don't believe me? Tarantino says it himself:

"...Mine fuses two different sub-genres together. It fuses the slasher film with high-octane car chase action... And it fuses it so much so that they literally--the genres switch hands at some point in the movie. There is some point in the film when you're not watching what came before. You have actually switched genres now and you're into a different movie. You're involved with the characters so you don't notice it, but you're actually in a different movie now."

"We were talking about the idea if we could take existing movies and actually do a double feature that would duplicate; more or less what our double features do in Grindhouse, it would have to be a triple feature."



Unfortunetely, yes. But I am so happy that I've seen it in teathers, it's to this day my best experience I ever got watching a movie in theater. I live in Canada and here it wasn't split. I still remember this amazing I got living this. It wouldn't have made the same effect if the movies were split. Planet Terror stands by itself as a great zombie flick, but Death Proof is like the weakest point of Tarantino's career, even though it still is a great flick as well. Wooooo... How i want to go back to 2007!


It brutally flopped, which is a shame.
