Just the worst. I do know one of the actresses in this "film" and have a bit of the inside scoop. First of all the original Giddeh, played by Reassure Jacobs, was mostly edited out and his scenes replaced by another actor, in the throes of conjuring the Giddeh. The script apparently was changed by way of editing and reshooting, to give preferential screentime to a few friends of the producers, as well as the producers themselves.
I was embarrased for the whole cast and crew. Nothing made this worth watching. The filming, lighting, sound, make-up, sets, everything could have probably been improved by having a junior high crew in charge. The producers of this and other horrendous projects, are a tight knit group that put out films for the sake of the quick buck. Just like the link to the previous reviewer, I find it completely astounding that Glenn Plummer would want his name attached to this in any way. Since I heard somewhere along the post production line he and Jean-Claude Le Marre had a falling out, perhaps he tried to move hell and high water to stop its release, but Warning Films must have held all the legal clout. At least the public should have a clue. "Warning Films" are warning you to not waste a minute of your life watching anything they have their stamp on.
Crap, crap, crap.
A few of the actors have since been lucky enough to move forth into more professional projects, like Patrick Scott Lewis in the movie "Zodiac," or Breanna Startzel in the movie, "Anolog Days," a June 2006 LA Film Festival choice.


at least the two black girls in the movie made it worth watching for a little while.

The ending kind of had me confused and overall, the ending totally SUCKED! A lot of the killings happened off screen, and the hot black girl who just lost her virginity, lost her virginity off screen, didn't even see as far as her cleavage, and they put her having sex in the movie. Didn't even hear her moan. The beginning was dumb the way they did it, considering because of the beginning, the viewer pretty much knows everything thats going to happen in the order it's going to happen. The crew didn't put any effort to making a good ending. And the ending should always be the FINALE, and the best part of a movie. Why did she have to be in a comma until midnight?


check your hormones, dude
