For all you Marines out there

I just EASed a couple months ago and my bro-in-law (also former Marine) told me about this flick. Before I go and drop $20-something bucks on the DVD (which I'll more than likely get anyways), I just wanted to know from Marines (as in, people who actually went through basic training) what they thought of it.

All I've gathered from this (small) message board is a lot of cleaning is involved, which is something I recall quite vividly. Anyways, any input is much appreciative.



check out to read all critical reviews. Unlike all other videos about the Corps, this one doesn't have the interviews or narration. There is no way to really showcase the entire 3 months of training into 95 minutes, but this is as close to being there as it gets.


Of all the documentaries about Marine Corps boot camp that I have seen, this one is more realistic and less cleaned up for the general public than others I have watched.


I just EASed too and though the Corps wasn't for me, watching this Doc brings back memories.

I had my girlfriend watch it with me and there's a few parts where I laughed so hard I cried. She didn't get it but I guess it's one of those "You just had to be there" type of things.
