Darkon Name

I would like to know where they got the name Darkon. I can't help but wonder because I played D&D as a kid in Baltimore in the ealry 80's and this was one of my character's names. I also remember Skip Lipman from when he worked at the Armory. Could it be coincidental that someone borrowed my Paladin's name? Hmmm........


Darkon is the largest domain inside the Ravenloft campaign setting, and is ruled by the archlich Azalin, a master of necromancy.

Azalin is extremely ambitious, and sought to escape from the domain by first causing a prophecy foretelling the Apocalypse to be realized, and then building a Doomsday Device to allow him to ascend to Demilich status.


Skip wasn't involved in the forming of Darkon. That happened back in 1985, and was done by a guy by the name of Rob Kusik, who ran the game for the first few years.

As for where Rob got it, I can't say. I never asked him, but it's unlikely that it came from the Ravenloft setting either, as that wasn't published until 1990.

Sometimes people just all happen to make up the same things.


Yeah, I agree with inox.

I think it's just an easily arrived at portmanteau of the word Dark and Archon. The word Archon is a Greek word for a ruler or king, and has been in widespread use for centuries.
(Who's glad he finally got to use portmanteau in a sentence.)
