Beginning sequence

I was curious to know how the very beginning of the movie had anything to do with the actual plot. Any ideas?

"Oh Blanche? You know we got rats in the cellar"


It was to introduce us to Clive and Luther. It was also to show that Luther is a deranged sicko...

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


It was also added at the request of a distributor that ultimately didn't pick up the film, but when it was sent to Lionsgate it went with the opening and they wanted it kept. it wasn't part of the original film.


so the one messing with the body with luthor?, cause I wasn't sure who was who.


If Luther is sick, why is it Clive who turns out to keep her dead body like she's still alive? Clive is really the sick one.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


