MovieChat Forums > Camp Daze (2005) Discussion > Friday the 13th tributes/ripoffs

Friday the 13th tributes/ripoffs

Did anyone else notice the obvious Friday the 13th tributes/ripoffs (depending on your opinion)? The beginning started off with a couple being killed, then fading to white for the title theme. (Friday the 13th pt 1). There was the couple impaled by a pitchfork while making whoopie (Friday the 13th pt 2). There was the stoner who got his head crushed with a leather belt around a tree (Friday the 13th part 5). Not sure if there's others I missed.



I also saw a lot of "Sleepaway Camp" moments in the movie, but since the theme of this thread deals with Friday the 13th, I definately noted some similarities to the Friday movies:

Opening credits were just like the credit screens for the first Friday the 13th Movie.

The kid who gets killed on the dock walks up to his killer and begins talking to them right before he is killed- which is almost exactly like Steve's death in Friday the 13th.

Annnd- Mario running along the moonlit beach after he found all the bodies was VERY similar to Alice running from the killer in Friday the 13th.

The dude that gets strangled with his back against a tree (there were actually a couple who died like that, but I'm thinking candy-bar boy) had a death scene that looked like Ralph's in Friday the 13th pt.2- Ralph got it with barbed wire, though rather than rope.

Really though, the parallels were flying by a mile a second. There's a fine line between "homage" and plagarism and (just in my opinion, of course) this movie crossed that line.


Jesus Christ. This crap is an insult to my intelligence and as a Friday the 13th fan, I say HOMAGE MY ASS. The idiot makers of Camp Slaughter directly stole from those awesome 80's films. They plagiarized movies that were in the 80's very original. This includes pretty much the entire F13 series, and the modus operandi of horror icon Jason Voorhees, including several STUPID direct references to Jason. In F13 Part 2, for instance, the killings were set up with effective and well done suspense, and here they are COPIED horribly and in a shoddily done manner. I say the producers of the F13 films SUE THE ASS off the people that put together this junk. The media needs to leave the F13 series alone! First, it is parodied, and then plagiarized. I suppose their lives are consumed with stealing plot of 80's horror films. FRAUD! IMHO, JUST WATCH THE FRIDAY THE 13TH SERIES AND FORGET THIS TRASH.


This movie was a pathetic rip off. It was being called the new friday the 13th, the acting was completely awful, effects were unprofessional 9th grade film project style, and the picture quality was horrid.

'You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both.' - Spike



Look at the scene where the guy is getting stabbed to death on the shower room floor. It's horrible. The guys getting slashed but there are no wounds at all. Its just one of many pathetic examples.

'You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both.' - Spike


Also in this scene in the shower that you mention, they keep showing the knife in the air each time it makes a stab, and there is never any blood on the knife...hmmmm

I cant believe no one picked up the most obvious Friday the 13th Copy...the title of the movie coming towards teh screen and breaking thru the that the EXACT same way and writing that FRIDAY the 13th was?


Yeah, without a doubt this movie was made by a hack. It's a poor mans friday the 13th.

'You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both.' - Spike


Exactly "necroscope24". I'm glad you see it. Mind you, everything done in the F13 series was an original idea back then, and the killings in those movies were done pretty damn well, especially compared to this.


I am a huge Screamkings fan, I guess I am biased, I loved this and ever since I was little, HATED Jason/Friday the 13th and all of that. Sorry.

"Why Is It That You Are A Complete Douchbag And WasteOf My Air?" Frat House Massacre


Pitiful. Do me a favor, somebody. If you are really a horror fan then find the DVD in a video store and snap it in half. Then crush it with a sledgehammer!


Well, actually the coitus interruptus impalement from Friday the 13th Part 2 was copied from Mario Bava's "Bay of Blood."


It was only trying to bring slashers back to their roots unlike some modern slashers cough cough "Jason X" cough cough



Man people it is only a movie, slashers copy each other, that what makes them great. I love Camp Slaughter (Camp Daze)



EVERY movie copies off another, whatever YOUR favorite is is copied off another, GET OVER IT. This was a great movie just like all of Alex's. SHUT UP AND GET OFF THIS BOARD.

"Why Is It That You Are A Complete Douchbag And Waste Of My Air?" Frat House Massacre



Matt-I am responding to OP. Not you. I am just stating that every "horror" movie, B-Side and theatrical shows comparisons, I could name them all if needed. I am also a huge Romero fan, don't even get me started on how many talentless actors have used his tributes. It happens in every movie.

"Why Is It That You Are A Complete Douchbag And Waste Of My Air?" Frat House Massacre



You are all wrong. PERIOD. DISCUSSION OVER.

"Why Is It That You Are A Complete Douchbag And Waste Of My Air?" Frat House Massacre
