Good Film for horror fans

Look this wasn't bad. Ludicrous plot holes? Yes. Mediocre special effects? Yes. Despite these, it really delivered on its promise; it was a sholcky throw-back that actually entertains and gets the tongue in cheek humor right. It included lots of blood, a decent atmosphere, enjoyable characters, hot women and boobs (damn you Sci-Fi Channel for your ridiculous editing!). It was directed only to please fans of the horror genre, and would still allow a parent to watch it with their kids (less scary than Coraline!) Anyways, I enjoyed it, it was one of the better things I have seen on Sci-Fi in quite a while. I also may be charitable as I saw this after watching the abomnination that is "Stan Lee's Harpies." I would be interested to see what this writer/director could do with a bigger budget.
